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I'm looking for any info on a Edward McGee (1841), wife unknown,  Children are Hugh (1856) and James (1859) in Donegal ireland. Edward was a Farmer.  James was Married to Anne Doyle.  Anything on Edward would be great. Here is all the info I have on this family....Edward was from Donegal and he had 3 sons that i know of...As far as i know is Hugh is married to Ann Conwell..and of course James was married to Anne doyle.  I have the marriage cert on that..And his Son number 3 is Edward Birth

Birth 1875 in Cross Roads, Donegal

Death 9 Aug 1919 in 2a Summerlee Buildings, Coatbridge, Old Monkland, Lanark, Scotland

and married to Sarah and they have a daughter name Cassie 1910. 

James is my great grandfather and he had a son named James Joesph McGee 

Birth January 13, 1886 in rootsireland, Co. Monaghan, Ireland

Death June 13 1930 in dayton Oh, Montgomery co.

who married Mary Ann Dougherty.  James moved to the states in  Phila, Pa. where i believe they were married there and then moved to Ohio.  Before he met Mary, James traved serval time from Ireland to the states..For what reason I do not know.  They had serveral children and my father was Edward Daniel McGee Feb, 2, 1926 second born son and his first son was James Joesph. 

I hope someone could help me on this.  I would love to find any info on this family  I do know James sr. was a Draper and James when he got to the U.S he was a Upholsterer


Thank you for all your help

Monday 9th Feb 2015, 05:49AM

Message Board Replies

  • Here?s one whose age and location fit your information:


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 9th Feb 2015, 09:10AM
  • Jaycee McGee,I have ancestors from the Donegal area. My great great grandfather was Leroy S.McGee. He was born about 1850 and I don't know at what age he moved to Ohio. My father has told me that there were three brothers who came over from Ireland. One lives in New York. Actually Rome New York, one went out west, and 1 went to Canada. My grandmother's name was Dorothea McGee. That was her maiden name. If you want to get back with me I'll see what I can find out on my end.

    Monday 2nd Mar 2015, 07:59AM

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