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I am trying to find out if there is a conneciton between the Callan Grady's and Roscrea tipp Gradys?  My Great Great Grandfather was born in Roscrea, and emigrated to NSW, Australia.  the family story is that we originally came from Kilkenny.  He was born in 1826 in roscrea to a Patrick Gready who was in Roiscrea from at least 1810.. so it has to be before then that they left Kilkenny.  we think it may be Callan, due to the commonality of names.  Martin, Michael and Patrick are requently used inour faily and also in Callan Kilkenny.  Are there any Callan Grady's out there who can help?



Saturday 17th Oct 2015, 09:56AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Julie

    I have passed your query to a local volunteer who will be in touch shortly

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 22nd Oct 2015, 11:15AM
  • I haven't heard from anyone regarding the Callan Gready/Gradys.. Hoping someone can give me a quick family history from say late 18th century.. as in did anyone move to Roscrea ( this branch may well ahve died out or all emigrated my mid 19th century), and have they heard of a Martin Grady who came out to Australia in 1850


    Thursday 5th Nov 2015, 05:58AM
  • Hi Julie

    Our volunteer has been back to me to say he is away on holiday but will have a look at this as soon as he gets back. He's a great volunteer and will certainly give you whatever assistance he can.

    Apologies for the delay


    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 6th Nov 2015, 09:57AM
  • Dear Julie

    Our volunteer has been back to me and apologies for the delay. He says the following

    I have examined the Parish Baptisms and the local school Records.  The Parish Records start only at 1864 while the School Records date from 1864 also.  The school’s earliest recording for a Grady is 1875 when a Philip Grady aged 7 years of New Road here in Roscrea was enrolled.  His father was recorded as a labourer. 

    The Parish Baptisms record no Grady births at all, but do have three Gready births recorded between 1878 and 1884.  These families all lived in an area call Barnagree – which would indicate that they were farmers.

    I’m sorry to say that from what I have found for you that it’s clear that your family ancestor appears to have disappeared from Roscrea prior to records commencing.

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 20th Nov 2015, 09:19AM

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