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I am researching the above family and in particular am trying to make a connection between a Mary Crosby who married John Reynolds and whose daughter Bridget married John Nolan in Fohenagh Church in February 1864.Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Saturday 31st Oct 2015, 09:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Sophia

    I have passed your query to a volunteer who will be in touch again shortly

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 2nd Nov 2015, 12:38PM
  • Dear Sophia

    Our volunteer was back to me today - the couple were married in Clonbrock on 4h Feb 1864. Bridget's father was a Shepherd, probably in Clonbrock House. However he thinks it would be difficult to find out more without further info re the Rabane aspect. 

    There is a headstone inscription for relating to Ivy House here - one shown below but there are others on that page:…

    Crosby/Reddan 102a

    In loving memory of John Crosby, Ivy House, Rabane died Feb. 12 – 1933 aged 98 years. His wife Kate died March 13 – 1951 aged 99 years. Their daughters Helena Crosby died Aug. 20 – 1963 aged 78 years. Mary Reddan died Aug. 10 – 1976 aged 99 years. Katie Crosby died Oct. 9 – 1992 aged 93 years. Erected by their grandson John Crosby. Rest in Peace.

    Yu may have to undergo an information gathering exercise until you can be sure of a connection

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 5th Nov 2015, 11:01AM
  • Hi Clare,

    Thank you for your reply. I have all the detaile regarding the marriage of John Nolan and Bridget Reynold and their families and the detail from Caltra graveyard.

    Bridget Reynolds parents were John Reynolds and Mary Crosby and it is this couple I am searching for info on. Ivy House in Rabane in still there and is inhabited by a Kathleen Crosby who married into the family. I was hoping someone from the area might have knowledge of Ivy House and its former occupants to establish a connection between the Nolan, Reynolds and Crosby families. Would their be any books on Castleblakeney which might include reference to the Crosby family.

    Regards, Gerald Nolan



    Wednesday 25th Nov 2015, 03:06PM
  • You could contact the Heritage Facebook page for the area for more specific info:

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 26th Nov 2015, 02:48PM

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