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From information that I have here in the USA, my Great, Great, Great Grandfather Philip Thomas (Sr.) emigrated from Ballyshannon in 1824 with three sons; Philip Jr., James, and John. According to that same source of information, Philip Jr. was 17 when they emigrated, which would calculate a birthdate around 1807.  We found during a recent visit to the Ballyshannon area, that this family more-than-likey traveled by ship from the port of Ballyshannon, but were from another area in Donegal County. We had very little time during our visit to Ireland to seek out additional information or to check with the Parish office in Killymard to find out more about the Thomas family. From our limited search, we think they were "spinners of wool" and lived in the Edergole area. Can you help with any additional information? We look forward to another trip to this area to continue our research, but are not quite sure how to proceed.  Thanks for your help.

Ted Thomas

Sunday 8th Nov 2015, 09:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • Ted:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I believe your Thomas family were likely Roman Catholic. The RC records for that parish do not start until 1874. I had worked on a Thomas message about a year ago and there were three people who commented on the post. See link.…

    I believe your Thomas' were from Edergole. The surname continued in the townland. Six of the nine families in the 1901 census for Edergole were Thomas families.…

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 8th Nov 2015, 09:50PM
  • Hi Ted

    I am a volunteer on this site in another county but have an interest in the Thomas name on my mothers side, not from Donegal but the west of Ireland, Galway and Leitrim and I see a cluster of them in Mayo, it is not a common name in Ireland especially the west. 

    I accidently came across some soem historical information on the name which may interest you so I can be emailed at if you would like to have it but nothing sensational.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 8th Nov 2015, 11:21PM
  • Thanks to both Roger and Pat for the information that was posted on this site. I have sent an email to Pat to have the information sent to me directly. If there is anything more that you could suggest for our search, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Ted Thomas

    Monday 9th Nov 2015, 01:28PM
  • HI 

    Was wondering if anyone has information on my great-grandmother, Anne Thomas (born 1845) , daughter of WIlliam Thomas Edergole.   She married my great-grandfather Denis Ward (from Eglish) in 1870.  They were Roman Catholic.  I would love to fill in blanks about her parents, siblings, etc.



    Mary Anne

    Tuesday 11th Oct 2016, 02:56AM
  • Hi Mary Ann

    I am a bit puzzled as in the Irish Civil record a Mary Thomas married a William Ward in 1888, she was only 17 so born 1871, his father was William Ward and her father was Paddy Thomas, her address was Edergole, her witness was a Catherine Thomas, sister I assume. I also see a marriage for a Paddy Thomas in 1865 but no image on site.

    What year did your Anne get married, I see an Anne Thomas, Edergol, married a Slevin in 1885 but father appears to be a Mick Thomas but the Mick I would not stand over, difficult to decipher, witness Catherine Brown, note later witness Catherine Thomas but Catherine a common name then.

    There are 36 Thomas marriages between 1864 the start of civil registration for Catholics and 1890 with a registration district of Donegal, there are a few in Ballyshannon, Glenties and Inishowen. but nationally Donegal is streets ahead of everywhere, a hot bed of Thomas people. When you search not all hits have certificate images which only started appearing a few weeks ago so maybe the rest will appear in time, however entries from the register can be purchased for €4 and if you want the link get back to me.

    As an aside while looking at Thomas image of cert you see the whole page, I noticed a Rose Ward from Eglish married a Charles Kennedy, her father was Denis though.

    The free site I looked at is Select Civil Records at the top, church records are only Dublin and Kerry, enter just surname Thomas and select years and marriages, list of areas will appear on left and select Donegal, th site will ask for your name and tick box also ask  you to prove you are not a robot etc. but it is free.

    I can access other sites if you want earlier thatn civil records, church records are here but you really need a year minimum or you could drive yourself mad. See The civl record should mention the church so you can select the parish but some records are sparse.


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 11th Oct 2016, 10:53PM
  • HI Pat

    Thanks so much for replying.  Here is the transcript I have on their marriage.  

    Transcript of Civil Marriage Records


    Husband:                                                     Wife:

    Surname:         Ward                                     Surname:         Thomas

    Firstname:        Denis                                    Firstname:        Ann

    Occupation:     Farmer                                  Occupation:     Housekeeper

    Townland:       Eglish                                    Townland:       Edergul

    Age:                 26                                         Age:                 20          

    Marital Status: Bachelor                               Marital Status: Spinster

    Father's Name:           Denis Ward      Father's Name:    William Thomas

    Occupation:     Farmer                                  Occupation:     Farmer

    Witness1:         Conal Thomas                      Witness2:         James Thomas

    Marriage Date: 01 March 1870

    District:            Donegal

    Marriage solemnized at the Roman Catholic Chapel at Killymard.

    Priest: Michael Martin P.P.

    All signatures given by their marks


    I was hoping to get some information on William Thomas,  Annie's father, and her siblings.  Also, I have Annie's death certicate that lists her mother's maiden name as Mary Mundy, but I have not found other Mundy's in that area.  Any info woulld be so welcome!

    Wednesday 12th Oct 2016, 12:37AM
  • HI Mary Anne

    thanks for the cert, I searched again on Ancestry and the Irish Genealogy and she is transcribed as Ann Tomas, so solved that mystery for myself, while it is not what you are after I see they had a daughter Ann died age 12, see…;

    The address given is something beg but maybe you can make it out. Also is that you on Ancestry with the family stuff. If not someone else is.

    There is a Jane Mundy living in Inver, Mountcharles in 1857. There are others in Sligo and Mullingar. There are maps on this site and with some messing about you can see the area today and Google Streetview is also available. 

    I also see an 84 year old widow, Jane Mundy died in Inver workhouse in 1900, God rest her, few workhouses have records but you could check with Donegal Library for info.

    On Irish genealogy site I see the name has become Munday and Monday, just open the site and click ivil and if you search Mundy you get hits for them all. There are only 9 Mundy hits nationwide and 7 in the same place in Fermanagh.  They may not be 7 different eople but the same person with different bits of land. 

    In 1825 there is one Mundy in Monaghan You had to have over an acre of land to pay this tax, so only landowner recorded.

    As an aside there is a famous song here written by an American called Galway Girl, you can see it on you tube and one of its well know singers is known as Mundy, do not know why but the song is good anyway.

    To get earlier siblings the only chance is the church registers if available.




    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 12th Oct 2016, 11:11PM
  • Hi Pat

    Just wanted to thank you for your time!  How very kind of you.   You have given me a lot of resources to explore. 

    Please know that it is very appreciated.

    Mary Anne

    Friday 14th Oct 2016, 06:15PM

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