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G'day from Australia. My name is Lyle Peddell, my mother's maiden name was O'Toole, her father was Martin Patrick O'toole from Murrami in N.S.W.  I'm just fishing around to find some background lineage to the O'Toole side of the family.  I'm not sure how many generations had been in Aus before my generation, but if anyone has any info, that would be great.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Lyle Peddell

Sunday 6th Dec 2015, 01:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Lyle:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    This Irish Times site  will show you where the surname O'Toole/Toole was found in mid-19th century Ireland. Co. Wicklow has the most records but the surname was found in almost every county.

    Can I suggest that you do more research in Australia starting with censuses and the death record for Martin Patrick? Likely the family arrived around the time of the Great Hunger in Ireland (late 1840s),

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 6th Dec 2015, 03:39PM
  • Hi Lyle,
    I'm interested to see how far you got as I'm also tracing lineage for this branch of the tree.


    Tuesday 3rd May 2016, 01:02PM
  • My great grandfather was Martin O'Toole from Avoca. Names tend to repeat in families, maybe we should compare notes.


    Friday 6th May 2016, 03:16AM

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