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My G-G-G-Grandfather Condy Breslin was born in Killybegs, Inver Parish about 1813. He & his wife Winifred Unity Gallagher had two children there; Peter Breslin & Catherine Breslin in the mid 1830s. Winifred emigrated to Quebec, Canada by 1840. We don't know if Condy died in Ireland or on the trip over to Canada but Winifred was a widow in 1841. We have a 1971 letter from Peter's grandson confirming that Peter Breslin was born in Killybegs and also mentioning some cousins in Derry with whom we now have no knowledge. Any information on a Condy Breslin born about 1813 & married to Winifred Unity Gallagher, would be welcomed.  Mary Fee Spacher


Wednesday 30th Dec 2015, 04:00PM

Message Board Replies

  • The town of Killybegs is in the RC parish of Killybegs, not Inver. Unfortunately that parish has no records earlier than 1850. Breslin’s not a very common name in the area. The spelling does vary and you can expect to find Breshlin, Breshlen and Breshland in the area.

    I have attached a link to the tithe applotment records for the parish, compiled in 1834.

    There was a Conely Breshlin in Glengish and another in Glenargan. Either of those might be your “Condy” (the handwriting in the tithe book was extremely difficult to decipher, according to a comment on the website, so the name may have been mistranscribed)..

    Turning next to Griffiths Valuation (1857) I found 6 Breslin households. 4 in Fintragh and 1 each in Drumanoo  and Roshin. If you don’t find any other clues you might want to focus on those townlands.

    1901 census for Fintragh:

    None in Drumanoo in1901. This in Roshin:







    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 30th Dec 2015, 06:10PM
  • Thank You. I will look into these. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I had surgery and haven't been into this site for awhile.


    Friday 1st Apr 2016, 03:26PM
  • Attached Files

    Added information... Church records from Quebec where Condy Breslin/Breshlin's widow remarried in Sept 1841. It is in French but it looks like it says, "widow of Conel Breslin from the parish of Inver, County of Donegal."


    Friday 1st Apr 2016, 03:57PM
  • ...So maybe he was BORN in Killybegs but later lived in INVER Parish.


    Friday 1st Apr 2016, 03:59PM
  • Try looking up the road work information. They list some Breslins when they describe what part of the road is to be worked on. They use names of families living in the houses as landmarks. My ancestors were Breslin and Gillespie.





    Sunday 3rd Jul 2022, 05:00PM
  • Listed in the roadwork (pre famine) are Bresland in Loughmuilt (near Inver), Bavan and Strabrin.



    Monday 3rd Apr 2023, 12:44PM

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