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My great Grandfather came to the United States from Kiltrustan/Roscommon, and I am trying to learn more about where he came from.  I learned that our family ancestors (my surname is Mulcunry, but was O'Maolconaire/O'Mulconry before leaving Ireland) supposedly had an estate in Kiltrustan named Ballymulconry.  I am trying to learn if this is a reality, as I would love to come and visit the location when I come to Ireland next year.  Would anyone be able to help me with this?

A million thanks and blessings!

-Brandon Mulcunry

Friday 5th Feb 2016, 03:08PM

Message Board Replies

  • Brandon:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I looked in the Tithe listings for the late 1820s and also the 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Kiltrustan and there was no location called Ballymulconry and there were no Mulconrys listed in the parish. There were Conrys listed in the parish in 1855.   I further checked on this Irish Times web site  and the only Mulconrys listed were in Co. Clare with one additional family in Co. Tipperary.

    In the 1901 census, all the Mulconrys listed were in Clare with one person in Co. Galway.

    Let me know if you have additional info.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 5th Feb 2016, 04:36PM

    Hi Brandon

    This is a link to NUIG website with notes below regarding the Estate:…

    Regards Gerlish

    • Conry (Cloonahee) - Cloonahee, barony of Roscommon, was part of the ancient territory of the O Maolchonaires or Conrys, whose lands were confiscated in the 17th century. Gilbert Conry advertised the sale of Cloonglasny More, parish of Clooncraff, barony and county of Roscommon in January 1851. Cloongasny was part of the lands purchased by Bartholomew Mahon from the trustees for the sale of forfeited estates in 1703. These lands were held by John Kelly in fee at the time of Griffith's Valuation. Two years later in February 1853 an estate of 1,630 acres in the parishes of Clooncraff and Kiltrustan, barony of Roscommon, belonging to Gilbert Conry formerly of Cloonahee was advertised for sale. A note on the sale rental states that Clonahee House was accidently burnt and that "now a good farm house and offices" are occupied by the tenant. In 1836 Cloonahee was leased to John Haigue by Gilbert Conry. A Thomas Conry was agent to the Mahons of Strokestown and to the McCausland estate in county Roscommon in the 1830s. Lands owned by Thomas Lea and Gilbert Conry were sold in the Landed Estates Court in March 1861 to Mr. Trench.
    • Browne (Mount Browne) - George Browne held 3 townlands in the parish of Kiltrustan, barony and county of Roscommon at the time of Griffith's Valuation which he purchased from the sale of Gilbert Conry's estate in 1853 and had a house at Falsk in the parish of Killukin. He was a brother of Arthur Browne of Newtown, parish of Oran and a descendant of John Browne 1st Earl of Altamont. Arthur Browne, third son of George, owned an estate of 455 acres at Mount Browne in the 1870s.

    Gerard, Parish Liaison Lackagh

    Friday 5th Feb 2016, 06:50PM
  • Yes the O'Maolchonaire family did originate at Ballymulconry. I trace their history back to 1068 A.D.

    Renowned family of ancient Gaelic scribes.    Sean Neary

    Sean Neary

    Sunday 19th Jun 2016, 02:06AM
  • My grandfather's family re-located or were re-located from Kiltrustan to Mount Mellick during the times of the land confiscations. Clonahee (the night meadow) was the principal holding of the ancient Conroy lands.


    I would be very interested in your research Sean.

    Friday 3rd Aug 2018, 03:28PM
  • Hi.

    I have seen many academics translate Cloohahee in different forms. 

    Example ; O'Rahilly = Meadow of the fairies.

    This is my translation. Oideachas is the Irish for education . Oidhe is the Irish for a teacter/professor as in An T-aoi in the singular. In North Roscommon dialect Cloon can also mean 'bog island' or a green patch surrounded by bog. 

    Cloon followed by a noun puts the noun into its possesive case or 'tuiseal ginadeach'. When 'oidhe' is in the possesive case it is hyphenated with an 'h'

    Subsequently we have Cloon na h-oidhe(plural) or Cloon a h-aoi in the singular. I have seen it spelled    in about 10 different in the old M/s.

    Sean Neary

    Saturday 4th Aug 2018, 11:39PM
  • I have traced my name to a name change in a 1677 probate record for a Edward connery to conary my father traced it to thomas conary born before 1742 Maine this name change is the only one in records I have found I know Edward was an indentured servant to a Thomas Gerard 1654 I know there was a Thomas connery in 1650 will Edward connery aka. Conary had a son James and a grandson Thomas born before 1742 i an sure there are the same i also know there was a daniel connery sent to barbados with his three daughters as prisoners but there is no Connery in Ireland before Daniel o mulconry 1636 and I know Daniel had 12 children but I have a 30 year gap that there is no Connery mulconry or conary in records please can someone help me figure this puzzle out

    Saturday 10th Oct 2020, 01:36PM
  • Two members of the O'Maolchonaire family are recorded as being in Co Wexford for a limited period and subsequently returning to Roscommon.  Another migrated to Co Clare where he continued the family profession as a poet, judge and professor.

    The change in spelling from O'Maolchonaire to Conry or Connery occurred with the anglisation of the name. 

    The spelling of your name  as 'Connery' suggests that your branch of the clan originated in modern times in Co Wexford.

    You may be a cousin of Sean Connery, the actor, whose grandfather migrated from Wexford to Glasgow.


    Sean Neary

    Sunday 11th Oct 2020, 09:45PM
  • Hi Brandon, sorry this is 5 years late, I am from Kiltrustan, we have just sent up a facebook page past and present if you want to join. I have just recently been looking up the Ó Maol Chonaire family, who were a a very important family, they were a bardic family who served the Kings of Connacht and other , O' Cnnors, MacDermotts etc, Following taken from wikipedia - 

    A bardic family descended from Maine of Tethba, based in County Roscommon in Connacht, many members of the Ó Maol Chonaire family were successive Ollamh Síl Muireadaigh to the Síol Muireadaigh and other Irish dynastys from the 12th to 17th centuries. Their principal seat was at Cluaine na-hOidhche near Strokestown and their primary patron the Ó Conchobhair Donn, but they also served the MacDermot Kings of Magh Luirg, among many of the other principal chieftains of the Síol Muireadaigh, as well as various other dynasties throughout Ireland. As chiefly historians and poets of the royal variety, they had immense land holdings on account of their profession. In Gaelic Ireland the filídh and séanachie were held in high esteem, with the Ollamh considered to be of equal stature to the Ard-Rí.

    Cluaine na-hOidhche I believe is the Irish for Ballymulconry, and this area is now called Cloonahee , which is on the borders of Kiltrustan and Creeve.

    I have just started doing some research into the family, there is a descendant called Sir John Conry who is rumoured to be the father of Queen Victoria!!


    Tuesday 9th Feb 2021, 03:11PM
  • Very interesting response.  My family names are Neary, Toolan, and Hamill.  There townlands were Lissduff, Mahana or Mihanagh, Largan, and Letreen.  The first three are in Kiltrustan Paris.  Not sure about Letreen - it is closer to Strokestown.  I was wondering if Sean Neary is from Kiltrustan or my Neary clan.  Ellen Neary married to Michael Toolan was my great grandmother.  My Neary connection is to Mahana.  My maternal grandmother Kate Hamill was the daughter of Margaret Hamill nee Neary.  My grandmother was raised in Mahana by her aunt Anne Neary.  I believe Anne’s parents were Peter Neary and Mary Clarke or Charlotte.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Hoping to return to Ireland once we can travel again.  My mother was Bridget Agnes’s Toolan 


    Wednesday 10th Feb 2021, 03:35PM
  • Hello Brandon and any other Conrys/O'Mulconrys etc reading, have you tested your Y-DNA (male line DNA) ? There are two of us who have done the Big Y 700, and it has revealed some interesting things. My kit is on Family Tree as 218112 and on gedmatch as T392867.

    Our SNP is not related to the Connachta/Ui Neill and instead is the S-5488 branch of DF-21, specifically A-935. S-5488 formed about 3900 years before present or 1900 BC, while A-935 formed about 2000 years ago, or beginning of the common era.

    S-5488 is the SNP carried by the Chieftains of Clare, descended from Corc, one of three triplet sons of Fergus mac Roich and Queen Meadhbh of Connacht. A-935 is carried by the Marrinans, who claim descent from Mannanan mac Lir, who seems likely to have also been our ancestor.

    People are right about Ballymulconry being Cloonahee, Cluain na hOidhche, etc... near Strokestown, but they are wrong about it being the chief seat of the O'Maolchonaires, if they had one it was Cluain Plocain, whose location was elusive until the late Dr. Ben Hazard discovered it, that is between Elphin and Carrick-on-Shannon.

    The O'Maolchonaire name may have originated in Roscommon, but at least according to tradition, the O'Maolchonaires migrated from South Teffia, where the claimed ancestor of the O'Maolchonaires, Maine has been exhumed and the remains are held awaiting a suitable genetic study. If his remains test S-5488 or M-222+ we will know more certainly whether Maine was fakely attached to the Ui Neill or if he was given as our ancestor to disguise our pedigree.

    Their attachment was to the Connachta and Clonmacnoise, and it is not unlikely our true ancestors were the famous judges Flaithri and his son Fithal. In any event, the chief Ollamhs of History were stated by Mac Firbis to have been drawn from three or four sons of the King of Connacht, in the period just following their era. 

    The Ui Neill sprung from the Connachta shortly after this point, and this arrangement became national when the Kings of the South expelled all the poets in the time of Colm Chille, and the sons of Niall conquered Ulster. It is recorded by Mac Firbis, the Four Masters and others, that the O'Maolchonaires were first in dignity and rank among them, Mac Firbis second. The Mac Con Midhes, ollamhs to the O'Neills at a later period are merely a branch of the same family, two brothers who llived circa 800 AD whose descendants became the Cineal Suibhneach and Cineal Neachtain before adopting surnames.

    Mahon Bodhar O'Maolchonaire "took" Cluain Plocain in 1232, whether Cluain na hOidhche had been their main property before is uncertain, but following this the majority of their most important manuscripts compiled on their own properties were written at Cuain Plocain. Nonetheless, despite not being a particularly numerous family, throughout the middle ages the family spread into various parts of the country establishing schools.

    My branch were from the parish of Kilmacumsy north of Elphin, just west of where Cluain Plocain was, originally the townland of Runnabull, documents show members of the family living at Cluain Plocain in one document and Cluain na hOidhche in another during the late 1500s around the time of the Composition of Connacht, when the English seized most of the properties of the Irish in that province.



    Wednesday 27th Apr 2022, 07:28PM
  • This is an amusing case my great grandfather's father was the Judge of. He was born in Kilmacumsy, his elder brother inherited the farm and he moved to Newfoundland…


    Wednesday 27th Apr 2022, 07:33PM

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