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My sister and I will be coming from the U.S. to Northern Ireland in June. We're hoping to visit several ancestral sites.

Some of our paternal ancestors emigrated from Tyrone to New Jersey USA circa 1735 and then later moved to frontier areas
of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa; our dad was born in the latter state in 1931.

I've not been able to discover the current / approximate locations of two Tyrone place-names, circa 1670-1755,
that were mentioned on the website in a section titled " Medieval Land Barons if Southwest Scotland " under " Armstrong  / Hamilton of Co. Tyrone "

The places I'm seeking are : " Drumgaunty, Parish of Donagheady " and " Churchyard of George Parish of Donagheady. "


Wednesday 10th Feb 2016, 07:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • I think the townland you are looking for is Drumgauty (246 acres).That’s on the modern A5 road from Derry to Strabane at about the point where Donagheady Road diverges to the left.

    I think the graveyard you want is Grange not “George”. See:

    I am not sure where Grange graveyard is located. (Locals will know) but there is a townland of Grange juts south of Drumgauty so it may be there.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 11th Feb 2016, 09:38PM
  • Thank you !!  Bready has been a helpful link. We will add the Drumgauty area to our agenda, and we'll be visiting Grange.

    Friday 12th Feb 2016, 05:04PM

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