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I am researching the life of Samuel Purdy, who apparently ended his days as an army pensioner in Kilmainham.  I have not been able to track down any records of the Hospital or a location for his burial, which would have been in the late 1800s.  Any help or advice would be welcome.  I would ike to visit the area sometime in the near future, as well as his birthplace in Magherafelt.

Thank you

Bill Beer

Sunday 28th Feb 2016, 08:50PM

Message Board Replies

  • I looked at the statutory death records for 1864 – 1921 and did not see any Samuel Purdy deaths registered in the Dublin area during that period. There were a few but they are all in the counties of Ulster.

    There was a graveyard within the hospital, and so that may be where Samuel was buried but as I say I can’t see a death registration for him. Perhaps he died before 1864, which is when statutory registration started?


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 28th Feb 2016, 10:24PM
  • Thanks Elwyn

    Sam was born around 1825 and died some time after 1890 - that is the last date I have for him from his army pension records.  He seems to have left his wife and family behind in the NE of England and gone back to Ireland to be an in-pensioner at RHK.


    Monday 29th Feb 2016, 04:50PM
  • Bill,

    It looks as though Kilmainham Hospital's records up to 1913 are in the National Archives in London:…

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 1st Mar 2016, 11:49AM
  • Elwyn

    I found his pension record at Kew a few years ago but it simply states that he had become an in-pensioner at Kilmainham.  Unfortunately it does not seem to give any further information.


    Wednesday 2nd Mar 2016, 04:07PM

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