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My mum would always tell us a story that her grandmother had told her, about her brother being dragged off in the night by the black and tans and later being found in a field bayonneted to death, killed and martyred by the English.  Us being English found this in turns facinating and frightening. She said most of her grandmothers brothers and sisters had fled to America after this event, but she had stayed in Ireland, married a man from Bray called Heeney, and ended up in Manchester. 

This story has always been accepted as family folklore, but having researched the name of my great grandmothers "brother" it turns out this story is true.  Terry Sherlock did exist and he was killed in the way described.  The only trouble is I can find no mention of a sister called Elizabeth, my great grandmothers name.  There is mention of a sister Nellie, who stayed in Ireland, but Nellie is not normally a derivation of Elizabeth.  

Can anyone shed any light on the rest of the Sherlock brothers and sisters?  Are we really related or did my great grandmother just think this was a great story and adopt it as her own to entertain her grandaughters? She undoubtedly lived in Skerries at the right time so would have known what had happened, even if it didn't happen to her own family. 

I have a 12 year old son who is now fascinated by this and I would love to confirm, once and for all, if this was in fact our family.




Wednesday 13th Apr 2016, 09:19AM

Message Board Replies

  • Diane:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I posted a response earlier but we were having a temporary systems issues and the response did not post.

    I tried to find Terence/Terry Sherlock in the 1901 and 1911 censuses for Co. Dublin but found no record. Did he have a different give name? Do you know the year Elizabeth was born and her parents names? I could not find a civil marriage index record for an Elizabeth Sherlock to someone with the surname Heeney.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 13th Apr 2016, 02:59PM
  • Thanks for replying. His full name was John Terrence Sherlock. His dad was John also. He was apparently 1 of about 11 children. He definitely had a sister called Alice who went to America and married after he was murdered. I plan to visit my great grandmothers grave so should be able to get her date if birth from that. I found her mum's name but it's on my computer which had just gone in for repair!! Just wanted to reply asap with what info I had at the moment. Thanks again for prompt reply


    Thursday 14th Apr 2016, 02:16PM
  • Find a grave entry for John Terrence gives his parents first names as Michael & Jane and mother's maiden surname as Duff.

    Likely family for John in townparks Skerries on the 1911 census with close matching age, also includes an Elizabeth age 8.

    Birth Index reference for an Elizabeth Sherlock born Balrothery Registration District 6th June 1902, mother maiden name Duff


    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 14th Apr 2016, 04:07PM
  • Shane:

    Thanks! Hope all is well in Dublin.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 15th Apr 2016, 05:05PM
  • Hi Diane,

    I am Terry's great grand niece. Terry was my grandfathers uncle (John Sherlock was born in New York after the Family left Skerries and emigrated to the US). There is a huge family out here and my mom has done a ton of family tree research. She would be more than thrilled to make another connection. He was very real. I randomly came across your post doing some searches for my own 12 year old. Not sure if you can message directly on here, I hope so.


    Thursday 25th Aug 2016, 02:00AM
  • Ivy:

    Diane should get an e-mail that will alert her to your post. Thanks for visiting Ireland Reaching Out!

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 25th Aug 2016, 05:41PM
  • Hi Diane,if you are still researching your airing roots, I would like to link up with you as I think we share the same great grandparents. Chris








    Sunday 24th Sep 2017, 06:42PM
  • I realize this post is a few years old, but I'm a decendent of Terry as well (through his sister Alice, who was my great-grand mother).

    Would love to connect if there's interest.



    Saturday 23rd May 2020, 02:03PM

    Hi James. I have seen a picture of Alice on Ancestry. I know we are related but exactly how, I am not sure. I tried to contact Diane ( older post)as we she and I definitely share the same grandmother but I have never managed to connect with her. I think she must have stopped looking at this site.

    I would love to link up with you and share what we know. Please would you email me - we can probably share more info that way and add to this site later.

    I live in Manchester England. I assume you are in America.

    Hope you and your family are well in these strange times







    Saturday 23rd May 2020, 07:04PM
  • Hi

    One of my other sons has just found this thread whilst searching for Terry Sherlock!  I never recieved any notifications after the first couple so didnt know people were still posting on it, and honestly had forgotten about it!  If anyone would like to get in touch feel free it would be lovely to hear from anyone who may have info on the Terry Sherlock story, or Heeney family, or Rohain family. My maternal grandmother was Matilda Rohain and  I think there was a connection to Bray as well as Skerries, but my part of the family definitely ended up in Coventry, then Manchester. 

    Many thanks, and sorry its been so long!




    Tuesday 15th Dec 2020, 10:36PM
  • Hi Dianne,


        I realize this thread is a few years old but figured id reach out.  I am a great grandson of Terry's sister Alice.  I was able to visit Terry's resting place in Skerries a few years back while on vacation in Ireland with my siblings,  Would be glad to share if you want to link up.  Hope all is well!



    Sunday 16th Apr 2023, 08:04AM
  • Hi  Did your mum have any more sisters I know she was one of eight  children 


    Tuesday 4th Jul 2023, 01:25PM

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