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I am descended from Andrew McGauley(1816-1887), son of Thomas McGauley and Alice Conlon of Taughmon and Coole. Andrew and possibly mother Alice (Ann?) died in Newtown, Connecticut, USA. Andrew married 1: Grace Gillen (1830-1855) in Newtown, CT  2: Mary Carley (1825-1905) also born in Westmeath.

I would love to connect with fellow researchers of these lines.

Jeannine Wegmueller

Temple, NH

Sunday 17th Apr 2016, 11:38PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Jeannine

    Apologies for the very long delay in getting back to you.

    Have you had a look here on the Message Board to see if anyone else is researching the family name? Just go to the main board and add the McGauley surname and click search. If you find someone and would like me to pass along your email address privately you can contact me at

    I see that there are only 3 entries on the Griffith's Valuation for McGauley in Westmeath:…

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle


    Tuesday 10th May 2016, 10:03AM

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