Martha  Lawrence1801

Martha Lawrence 1801

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Martha, the daughter of William Farrar, was born in Coolfancy in 1801 the fear, hatred and property destruction generated by the 1798 rebellion was still fresh in the minds of everyone. Coollattin House together with many other farmhouses in south Wicklow, had been burned to the ground. In 1826, a year when starvation stalked Coollattin estate, Martha married John Lawrence from Moyne. Together, on a small farm of very marginal and poor land, located in the townland of Slieveroe they reared a family of nine children.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1801 (circa) VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 1st Jan 1901 (circa) VIEW SOURCE
Associated Building (s) Coolattin House  


  • Ross




    I am Ross Hopkins and have been researching thevarious families who were born in and around the area of Moyne in Co. Wicklow....These include the Hopkins, Lawrences, Haskins, etc.

    Martha J. (Farrar) Lawrence died Jan 22, 1901 in Glenelg Township, Grey Co.   She was 100 years, 10 months, and 28 days.   That would make her born about March 25, 1801...source is her obituary.

    Feel free to contact me at  please send your contact so that we can exchange information.



    Sunday 17th June 2018 04:04PM
  • I am looking for a James Hughes who was born in thinking his father was Thomas...he named his sones Thomas, John, and Andrew....

    Tuesday 26th March 2019 01:26PM

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