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We're looking for information on the family of my great great grandmother, Jane Maguire, who was born in County Armagh on May 10, 1831, according to family records. We have searched Rootsireland and for birth records, and have been successful in finding the baptismal records of her sister, Cate Maguire (Oct.12, 1823, Tynan Parish, Catholic Church) and her brother, James 'McGuire' (Oct. 16, 1825, Tynan Parish, Catholic Church). The parents are listed as Pat Maguire and Eliza Lappan for both baptisms. We've found no record of Jane's baptism or the marriage of Patrick and Elizabeth.

The family emigrated to Canada sometime between Jane's birth and her marriage in 1855 to Arthur James Keegan in Bayfield, Ontario, Canada. Arthur Keegan was born in Armagh in 1827. The only other record we have is from the 1821 census, where we find an Elizabeth Lappin of Aughanduff, Forkhill Parish, County Armagh, where Elizabeth is living as a housekeeper at the age of 20.

My father, who is 97 and going strong, will be visiting Ireland with us in August and when we're there we hope it will be possible to search local records and cemetaries.  Any direction or suggestions of where to look would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, so much for your help!

Monday 11th Jul 2016, 05:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • Sheryl:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Below is a link to the Tynan RC parish register. I looked at the register for May 10, 1831 and did not see the record. However, the register is very faded and hard to read. There is a four year gap in the register from August 1834-August 1838 so if she was younger than what you believe, her record may be unavailable. I would also review the register for May in years before and after 1831 and see if you have more luck.

    Here is a link to the parish…    I would e-mail them to find out about local cemeteries

    Here is a link to the 1864 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Tynan civil parish. There are three Lappan records and two Maguire records.

    Let me know if you have any questions and have a great trip!

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 11th Jul 2016, 06:34PM
  • Thank you, Roger! I appreciate your work and quick response. I will get to work on those suggestions.

    Tuesday 12th Jul 2016, 01:30PM

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