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I have just found out that my mother's father was moved by the Irish Government from Killasser in Co Mayo to Barstown, Batterstown Co Meath and their home was vested in my grandfather's name by Fiat on 16th March 1938.  I have also found the Death Certificate of my mother's brother, Edward O'Malley in St Loman's Hospital, Mullingar.  Does anyone have anything at all on this family?  There were 6 boys & 3 girls in all.  My grandmother was Honoria King.  The surname is registered as Malley & O'Malley.


Tuesday 12th Jul 2016, 02:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi again Gerri

    Have you already had a look on the 1901/1911 Census - may have Patrick's baptism record

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 19th Jul 2016, 10:36AM
  • Hi Clare, I can find the family on the 1901 census, when Patrick was aged 28, but not on the 1911.  I have also checked for his birtth/baptism record in 1873 (presumably his age on the census is correct at 28) but can't find him or his sister winifred.  All I know is that his mother was Bridget.  I can find nothing in Meath about them, but know they were registered at the Land Registry in 1938.






    Monday 25th Jul 2016, 03:25PM
  • Hi Gerri

    Can you send me the link on the Census and I will have a look

    Al the best


    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 26th Jul 2016, 01:37PM
  • Hi Clare, I have now found the family on 1911 and know that Patrick had a brother, Martin and a sister Winifred.  I also remember my mum talking about another sister Margaret.  Winifred & Margaret emigrated to the USA and died there in ther 1960s I think.  Cannot find Patrick's birth, which I worked out from 1901 census would be 1873 and from the 1911 census would be 1875!!  Still no sign of the family in Meath either!!




    Wednesday 27th Jul 2016, 10:03AM
  • Hi Gerri

    Make sure that you have a look at Roots Ireland to see if there are any further records

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 19th Aug 2016, 10:51AM

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