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Would anyone have any information about the Thomas Hart family?  Griffiths shows a Thomas Hart in Lady Island and Moat Town (Kildalkey, Co. Meath).  The Thomas Hart I am seeking married Bridget Garry on October 19, 1823 (recorded in Lucan).  Most if not all of their children immigrated to the United States and settled in the Le Roy, Genesee County, New York area.  Does anyone know the names of any cemeteries in the Moat Town/Kildalkey area?  I believe the Harts were Catholic.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.  7/6/19  PLEASE SEE MY NOTE BELOW.


Tuesday 25th Oct 2016, 08:44PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    As you say, Thomas and Bridget married on 19th Oct 1823. Children born to the couple included:

    Anne 1827, Marian 1829, Bridget 1834 and James 1839. I assume there were others between Bridget and James but they were not recorded or if they were they are no longer available. 

    There is a burial record on for a Thomas Hart in Kildalkey dated 19th March 1859. It gives the townland address as Motown as well as a Bridget Hart in Kildalkey in 21st April 1843. Her townland though is Clonmore. There is no way of knowing if either are your ancestors at this point. 

    St. Dympna's graveyard is the local grave site for Kildalkey with a connection to a second graveyard you could read about HERE

    I have contacted the parish to see if they can look up any potential graves for the family - the graves database is under construction. I will get back to you with any news

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 28th Oct 2016, 09:38AM
  • Hi Clare,

    Thank you for your detailed response, and I appreciate your reaching out to the parish to see if they might have any further information about potential graves.  I believe there are two other children whose births were not recorded - Elizabeth (my husband's 2x great grandmother, and John (possibly a twin of James).  When Elizabeth married Michael Skiffington, she listed Thomas Hart and Bridget Garry as her parents and stated that she was from County Meath.  When her sister Anne (also known as Anna) passed away her obituary listed Elizabeth Hart Skivington and John Hart as her surviving siblings.  Elizabeth, Anna, James, and John all immigrated around 1853 and settled in the Le Roy, Genesee County, New York area.

    I am looking forward to learning more about this side of our family and to returning to Ireland and visiting the Kildalkey area.

    Thank you again.  I truly appreciate your quick response.

    Barbara Skivington



    Sunday 30th Oct 2016, 02:34AM
  • Hi Barbara

    I have sent off an email to them - it was to an unnamed person (generic contact email) so we'll see what happens. If you don't hear back from me by the end of the week would you mind emailing me at to remind me - just add 'Kildalkey Graveyard Search' to your subject line  in your email to jog my memory!

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 1st Nov 2016, 11:47AM
  • Thanks Clare.  In the meantime I made an interesting discovery this past weekend.  Strictly by accident I came across a baptism record for a Bridget Hart, daughter of Thomas Hart and Bridget McGarry.  She was baptised on 6/16/1826 in Lucan, Dublin, Ireland.  This discovery led to a second record for Mary Anne Hart, again the daughter of Thomas Hart and Bridget Hart, who was baptised on 9/12/1824 in Lucan, Dublin, Ireland.  As my Thomas Hart and Bridget Garry were married in Lucan, and these baptism dates occurred shortly after their marriage, I have to believe that these two children are related.  I found these records in a collection entitled "Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915 (Dublin, Lucan, 1818-1861)."  The remaining baptism records that we were previously aware of were from Kildalkey, Meath, leading me to believe that Thomas and Bridget likely moved to Kildalkey after living in Lucan (perhaps to return to family lands).  I love these chance discoveries; they're more pieces to this amazing puzzle.

    Best regards, Barb 




    Wednesday 2nd Nov 2016, 12:29AM
  • Oh very good, another piece of the puzzle indeed!


    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 3rd Nov 2016, 08:15AM
  • Hi again

    I just had the following reply from the group I contacted:

    Work was carried out in the old cemetery back in 1977 to try and decipher the grave inscriptions on the old gravestones. Two Harte entries exist as follows:

    1. Harte

        Erected by Bridget Harte in memory of her father Patrick Harte died 28th August 1894 aged 79 years. And her mother Mary Harte died 24th Oct. 1901 aged 85 years. R.I.P

    2. Harte

        In loving memory of Patrick Harte died 27th April 1960 age 51. His wife Elizabeth died 19th March 1980 age 65.


    As we don't have any historical society, the records are sketchy. Any further assistance should be sought from the Parish Office as we don't currently have access to records.

    Wednesday 9th Nov 2016, 04:00PM
  • Hi Clare and Barbara

    I just stumbled on this website and then on to this page by chance. I just wanted to say that ... 

    1. Harte

        Erected by Bridget Harte in memory of her father Patrick Harte died 28th August 1894 aged 79 years. And her mother Mary Harte died 24th Oct. 1901 aged 85 years. R.I.P

    Above is my family. 



    Tuesday 19th Sep 2017, 11:38AM
  • Hi Elmear,

    Thanks for sharing this information.  Are you saying you are also a Hart or Harte from the Kildalkey area?



    Tuesday 3rd Oct 2017, 05:50PM
  • Can i ask how common it is  for Hart to be Harte ?....and what was the reason for the change if so

    Wednesday 17th Jan 2018, 05:45PM
  • I would like to amend my original question about the Thomas Hart family.  Although Griffiths shows a Thomas Hart in Lady Island and Moat Town (Kildalkey, Co. Meath), I no longer believe that is the Thomas I am seeking.  Also, I originally thought that Thomas Hart married Bridget Garry on October 19, 1823 in Lucan but I now believe they and any of their children are a different family.  The Thomas and Bridget I am seeking lived in Wood, Kildalkey.  He may have had a brother Walter, also from Wood.  I believe that both Thomas and Bridget died in 1843.  All of their children immigrated to the United States somewhere around 1853 and settled in the Le Roy, Genesee County, New York area.  I'll be traveling to Ireland next May.  Does anyone have suggestions on the best places to go to research info.  Thank you.


    Saturday 6th Jul 2019, 09:17PM
  • Hi Barb , i have done a fair amount of research on all Meath Harts including the Wood /Kildalkey groups and Walter from Wood also , if you would like to contact me please do so :

    Pat Hart

    Monday 28th Oct 2019, 12:56AM
  • Thank you Pat.  I'll reach out to you at that email address.  I appreciate the response.  Barb




    Monday 28th Oct 2019, 11:25PM

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