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Margaret Moylan, was married to Patrick Kelleher, and lived in Macroom, County Cork.  I do not know whether she remained in Ireland or emigrated.  

She was sister to James Moylan, born in Townland of Ballyglass, Parish of Doora (from tombstone) April 15, 1832, who emigrated to USA about 1851, and died in New York State, USA, May 22, 1905 as a distinguished resident of Center Lisle, NY.

Her daughter, Johanna, born June 18, 1845, did emigrate to the USA, and was married to Patrick McNamara.  She died May 27, 1922 in Cortland, New York and is buried next to James Moylan, her uncle, in Whitney Point, NY.

Patrick McNamara was born Dec 12, 1839 in Ogonnelloe, County Clare; his parents were Daniel McNamara and Mary Margaret Culligan.  He died Feb 28, 1872 and is buried in Altona, Illinois, USA.

I have visited Macroom twice, but have been unable to find or contact any descendents or persons with knowledge of Patrick, Margaret or Johanna there.

Any additional information or contacts are appreciated.


Saturday 19th Nov 2016, 07:10PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Paddy

    Apologies for the very long delay in getting back to you.

    You could check first to see if any of the remaining family are mentioned on the Griffith's Valuation. The earlier Valuation Records at the National Archives include the initial work that went into the later Griffith's and can be viewed HERE.

    The Revision of this Griffith's information or the Cancelled Books as they were known, are retained in the Valuation Office and are not yet online but if you can make a visit to the Office in Dublin they are very helpful. You can learn more about it HERE.

    Sometimes those listed are the family of the first occupants, traced down to the 1960s and sometimes 1970s.

    I hope this helps

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support



    Tuesday 6th Dec 2016, 11:20AM
  • Clare, thank you for your suggestions. I've examined each one; the colored entries in the Cancelled/Revision books was new to me, and may be of help in another ancestor, where I believe I have identified the property where my great grandfather's parents lived (in Ogonnelloe, Clare), so I will pursue that there to see whether I can learn more.

    The problem with the Kellehers is that there were, and are, so many of them!  In the 1848 Land Valuation books, there were 47 properties, and in the 1852 Griffith's Valuation there were 51, and for Patrick Kelleher, there were 5.  But, I don't have a way to tie Johanna to those 5, except perhaps that they are all the same person, and I don't have a way to tie others to that Patrick.  Johanna left Ireland in 1863 or 1864, at age 19, so there is a good chance that her father, Patrick, would have been listed, if he was an owner or lessee.

    When I visited Macroom in 2007, a found Kellehers everywhere -- three and a half pages of listings in the phone book.

    I've searched the records at Mallow, at Cork city library genealogy section, at the National Archives in Dublin, at the Cobh Heritage Centre and the Skibbereen Heritage Centre, all without any findings on Johanna Kelleher or Patrick, or Margaret Moylan.  I visited the genealogy section at the National Archives this past October.  I hired a genealogist in Dublin to do a search several years ago, and commissioned a search at the Clare Heritage Centre in Corofin in 2007, and visited the East Clare Heritage Centre.

    So, my best hope, I think, is for some connection in a place like XO Ireland, someone where there is a connection.

    Does anyone here know Dr. Kelleher in Macroom.  He's retired, I understand; I figure he knows a lot of Kellehers, and history of Macroom, and I'd like an introduction if possible.




    Tuesday 3rd Jan 2017, 04:00AM
  • In searching my records, I find this additional information (which I had posted in 2009 in the Ancestry Kelleher message board) from two obituaries of Johanna:…

    Obit. Johnanna Kelleher McNamara, 1845 -- 1922, Macroom, Co. Cork


    Obit. Johnanna Kelleher McNamara, 1845 -- 1922, Macroom, Co. Cork


    Posted: 8 Feb 2009 10:51PM GMT

    Classification: Query

    Surnames: Kelleher, Moylan, McNamara

    Johanna's obituary appeared in the CORTLAND STANDARD newspaper on May 27, 1922 as follows:

    Mrs. Johanna McNamara, aged 77 years, widow of the late Patrick McNamara, died this morning at 5:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Martin Carroll of 10 Madison Street. Her death was due to heart trouble, her illness covering a period of several months. The deceased was a native of County Cork, Ireland [her tombstone says McRoon County, Cory, Ireland] and was born on June 18, 1845. She was the daughter of Patrick and Margaret Kelleher, being one of a family of seven children.

    Mrs. McNamara came to this country when eighteen years of age and has spent the greater part of her life at Center Lisle, Broome County. During the past winter, she has resided with her daughter in this city.

    Mrs. McNamara was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic church of Whitney Point. Her husband, the late Patrick McNamara, died at Altona, Illinois, on February 28, 1872.

    She is survived by two daughters; Mrs. Martin Carroll of Cortland, and Mrs. William Lusk of Lisle; as well as by one son, Patrick McNamara of Center Lisle, N.Y.

    This brief announcement appeared in the LISLE GLEANER newspaper on Thursday, June 1, 1922:

    Mrs. Johanna McNamara died Saturday at the home of her daughter Mrs. Carroll of Cortland. The funeral was held Tuesday in Cortland, burial in Whitney Point. Patrick McNamara was called by the death of his mother, Mrs. Johanna McNamara to Cortland.

    Any information regarding family connections, or other Kellehers in Macroom would be appreciated.


    Tuesday 3rd Jan 2017, 04:51AM
  • Hi Paddy

    If you get in touch with the people HERE they may know of a more local contact in the Macroom area - I can't see a listing for any heritage society in Macroom.

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support

    Thursday 12th Jan 2017, 11:28AM
  • Thanks Claire,

    In 2015 [actually, Oct 2014], I did spend about two hours with the folks at the Cork city library.  They were as helpful as they could be, but unfortunately, no information about my Kellehers was uncovered.

    I think my answers must lie with some personal family knowledge among some Kellehers in Macroom, if there any at all to be found.

    I'll send a message to the Cork library to see if they have some contacts in Macroom.


    Best regards,



    Friday 3rd Feb 2017, 08:48PM
  • Dear Paddy:


    I am attempting to make some contact on your behalf with someone from that area.  I will reply to you on this post when I hear back.


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Sunday 5th Feb 2017, 07:24PM
  • Thanks Jane.  

    I sent email to Cork librarry, but haven't received reply yet (unless you are replying on their behalf).




    Monday 6th Feb 2017, 08:00PM
  • Dear Paddy:


    No, It is not Cork Library, but hopefully you will hear from them.  I'll let you know via this post if I hear anything new for you.


    Lots and lots of Kellehers in Macroom apparently!


    All the best,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Tuesday 7th Feb 2017, 12:12PM
  • Jane, just to give an update -- I did not receive any reply to my emails to Cork Library two months ago.

    Still hoping that you might find someone in Macroom who would be willing to be a contact.




    Monday 3rd Apr 2017, 07:08PM
  • Hi Patrick:


    Many thanks for your reply and your persistence!

    It might be worthwhile to take a look at the Historic Graves site and in particular the area around Macroom to view the headstones.  They may offer information.  You can access the site below:

    I have contacted someone else that may have a connection in that area.  When I hear from her, I'll post to you here. 

    I hope that the above is agreeable to you.


    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Tuesday 4th Apr 2017, 10:29AM

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