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My grand father was Thomas O'Toole born 1893 , son of Martin Toole/ O'Toole and Catherine (Kate) Prendergast. I have found them in 1901 and 1911 census records registered as living in Conagher, Addergoole. Before Thomas met my Grandmother he had been married and had a family but I don't know the details of his first wife and children.  I have managed to trace a couple of his brothers and know that they went to Connecticut USA.  One of his sisters Margaret went to America and joined a convent becoming Sr. Mary Brendan.

Wondering if anyone has any further information,


Saturday 7th Jan 2017, 12:48AM

Message Board Replies

  • Becky:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Conagher is actually in Dunmore civil parish although the District Electoral Division (DED) is Addergoole.

    When did Thomas marry your grandmother and was the marriage in Ireland or the USA. I assume the first marriage was in Ireland? 

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 7th Jan 2017, 02:35AM
  • Hi Roger,

    Thomas met my Grandmother in England.  I'm not sure if he married his first wife in Ireland or England. Thanks for info regarding parish being Dunmore, will try and find further information on Martin and Catherine from there.





    Saturday 7th Jan 2017, 02:55PM
  • Hi!  An update to my former message.

    I managed to find my Grandfather's marriage and four children in England.  

    I also discovered that 5 of his siblings settled in Connecticut, Sister Mary Brendan, Martin, Patrick who married Agnes Bourke, James, married to Mary Kelly and Mary Anne who married Thomas Bowie. John and Michael remained in Ireland. John married Ellen McHugh and Michael married Julia Mongan. 

    This leaves Kate(Catherine) and Honor.  In obituaries of the siblings in Connecticut the sisters in Ireland are listed as Mrs. Patrick Boyle and Mrs. Michael Ruane.  I have tried to find records of Kate and Honor with these surnames but to no avail so hoping these names may be recognisable to someone!!

    Many thanks for reading,






    Sunday 11th Feb 2018, 08:13AM
  • Becky:

    I tried to locate the civil marriage records for Kate and Honor at but had no success. Perhaps you will have more success. I did find the civil death records for the parents--Martin and Catherine.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 12th Feb 2018, 04:39PM
  • Thanks Roger,

    Frustratingly, it seems more of a mystery now I have the names!  I will have to try variants of the name Ruan- Ryan, Royan and Honor could be Norah and Kate, Katie,Catherine etc. Though can't think of so many variants of Boyle!



    Tuesday 13th Feb 2018, 12:09PM

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