Jane  Anne Hourihan1865

Jane Anne Hourihan 1865

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Date of Birth 8th Dec 1865
Date of Death 13th Apr 1946
Number of Siblings 9
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Jeremiah Hourihan
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Hannorah Dwyer
Names of Siblings William, John, Michael, Catherine, John, Patrick, Mary, Hannah, James, Nora
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) John Collins
Townland born Dunmanway
Place & Date of Marriage 1885, Brasher Falls, NY, US
Place of Death NY, USA
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  • I have a great grandfather whose last name was O'Herlihey- then it was changed by the time my grandfather was born, to Herley.  Your last name sounds similar... Any idea if they are related?

    Wednesday 27th June 2018 05:25PM
  • I have never heard of that name connected to mine. You might try Hurley. Sorry


    Wednesday 27th June 2018 08:29PM

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