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I am searching for information on my ancestors Stephen Hanton and Mary Redmond. They married 5/18/1838 Ferns, Wexford. I found birth information for children: James 9/16/1841, Lawrence 1/1/1846,  Catherine 2/24/1849, Stephen 6/20/1853, James 2/1/1856 and my great grandmother Mary Anne Hanton born 3/18/1838 or 1843. She married Edward Jordan 5/24/1861 in Ferns, Wexford and they immigrated to the U.S. together shortly after. Any additional information on the family would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you, Debbie. 

Debora Cote

Thursday 16th Mar 2017, 01:44AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Debora


    I am currently trying to find you some answers but in the meantime I have happenend on this search by another person so if you got in contact you could share info…;

    Kind regards


    Thursday 16th Mar 2017, 02:00PM
  • Thank you so much for replying. I would love some information   How would I contact you?  Debbie

    Debora Cote

    Saturday 1st Jul 2017, 11:26AM
  • is my email 

    Debora Cote

    Friday 14th Jul 2017, 04:06PM

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