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My name is Michael Murphy from Connecticut, USA and I am looking for ancestors and information regarding my great, great grandparents Patrick Ryan who married Norah Carey and they had a daughter named Josephine Ryan who married Michael Barry and left for the US in the eraly 1900's.???  Thanks in advance for any info...

Tuesday 20th Jun 2017, 02:30PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mike:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I will alert our parish liaison in Dunkerrin about your message. if you have not heard back in ten days or so, please let me know.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 20th Jun 2017, 03:41PM

    HI Michael   My name is Dolores Whyte from Dunkerrin Reaching Out.    I was very interested to get your request, as my husband is a distant relation to Norah Carey.

    Patrick Ryan married Honora Carey on 27th February 1862.  They had the following children

    Anne (1863) Catherine (1864), Patrick (1865), Margaret (1867), Anne (1869), Honora (1870, Michael (1872), Johanna (1873, Elizabeth (1875) and Jane (1877).     The reason for two Anne's is most likely that the first Anne died, and often families gave another child the same name.    Johanna must be your grandmother - this is often changed to Josephine or Hannah.    

    I cannot find where Josephine and Michael Barry married here in you know if they married here or in the US.     I looked up the Ellis Island Passenger List and it gives several Michael Barry's, but you mentioned Nenagh in your email, and there is a Michael Barry from Nenagh who emigrated through Ellis Island in 1903.   

    I contacted the descendents of Elizabeth, who married Philip Sheedy from Dunkerrin.  Pat Sheedy their grandson would be delighted to hear from you.   He is away for the next two weeks.   Pat does not have an email address, but you can either write to him at the following address:-

    Patrick Sheedy, Clashegad, Roscrea, Co Tipperary, Ireland

    If you want to email - you can email on my private email and I will give him the details etc.

    My email is     

    Please let me know if there is anything more I can help you with.  I have all the dates of baptisms of the above.  I also have information on Honora's parents who were Michael Carey and Catherine McRedmond, from a townsland called Coolroe - this is between Dunkerrin and Shinrone in Co Offaly, within the Parish of Dunkerrin.   As previously mentioned my husband is related to the Carey's as his mother was a Carey, and your great-grandmother was probably a 1st cousin of her grandfather's, so that would make you about 4th cousins!!!               Looking forward to hearing from you.   Best regards Dolores

    Wednesday 21st Jun 2017, 07:02PM
  • Dolores,


    Thank you very much...I had sent a response to your personal e mail yesterday...Look forward to exchanging more...



    Wednesday 28th Jun 2017, 06:01PM

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