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I have found Patt Gorman or Dorman and Mary Walsh as the parents of Daniel, born 1800, in the Thomastown parish records (on the NLI website).  Can anyone suggest how to determine whether the father's name was Gorman or Dorman?  Thanks in advance.  I am hoping it's Gorman.

Tuesday 11th Jul 2017, 01:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Kathleen:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Could you provide the baptismal date? I went thru the Thomastown records for 1800 and did not see Daniel. I did see a Bridget Gorman. Thanks!

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 11th Jul 2017, 02:48PM
  • Hi Roger, 

    The date is Nov. 19, 1800.   The text reads:  "Colimkilm (sic) and Kiljames, November the 20th, baptized Daniel, born the 19th instant of Patt Gorman and Mary Walsh, his wife.  Sponsors: William Denife (Denieffe?) and Catherine Gaul."

    I was wondering whether you think the surname is Dorman or Gorman.  The eccentricity of the handwriting gives me pause.

    Thanks so much for your help.

    Wednesday 12th Jul 2017, 02:17PM
  • Obviously, the reply above is spam.

    Thursday 13th Jul 2017, 03:42PM
  • Kathleen:

    The surname is Drinnan and the child's name is Dinis.  The letter is clearly a "D". 

    However, if you go up four records there is a child named Mary Drinnan who was baptized and the father was Patrick Drinnan and the mother was Margaret Gorman. 

    Come back at me if you think I'm incorrect.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 13th Jul 2017, 04:39PM
  • To be honest, I'm more confused now about the surname.  It doesn't look like Drinnan to me.  Is that an Irish surname you've heard before?  You could well be right, by my impression was that it was a choice between Dorman and Gorman.  Since I have seen so many errors in parish registers (even to the point where the surname of the child and the father were spelled differently), I wondered if the surname was the much more common Gorman and whether the person writing the record simply made a mistake.  As for the first name, the one in the margin looks like Denis, but the caret in the child's name in the actual text of the record makes it look like Daniel, at least to me.  Why would the name Denis require the letter i added after the fact when there is clearly already a vowel (looks like e) there?   Boy, oh boy, I have never appreciated typewriters more than I do now!

    Thanks for your view on this.

    Saturday 15th Jul 2017, 01:34AM
  • Roger, 

    I have just seen the 1833 Tithe Applotment Book for "Kilmacahill", Diocese of Leighlin, Kilkenny, which lists Patt Drennan and Denis Drennan.  So you were much closer to the truth than I was.  Thank you for helping me out.  I'm still looking for the Daniel Gorman in my family, but you have helped me to determine that the baptismal record in question was not his.  I much appreciate your time.  



    Saturday 15th Jul 2017, 01:44AM
  • Kathleen:

    Drennan is the most common spelling with Drinnan and Drinan as variants. The names were primarily found in Laois and Kilkenny in the mid-19th century. 


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 15th Jul 2017, 01:34PM
  • Thanks again, Roger.  If possible, could you delete the message above that I wrote about spam--someone deleted the spam message I was talking about without deleting my reference to it, so that it now looks like I'm referring to one of your important messages as spam.  Oh dear!

    Saturday 15th Jul 2017, 05:53PM
  • Kathleen:

    Our HQ deleted some spam messages/comments earlier in the week. I don't have "permission" to delete your message. I would not worry about it.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 15th Jul 2017, 06:30PM

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