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John Baxter b 1830 married Mary Anne Wright b 1832 Married Magheralin1855

Daughter Elizabeth Ann Baxter 1857 Magheralin

Thomas Mawhinney b 1816  m Elizabeth McCullough  married about 1838

Joseph Mawhinney b1853 died 1903 Magheralin married Elizabeth Ann Baxter 1878 Magheralin

Daughter Jane Mawhinney b 1883 Magheralin

Thomas Nesbitt b 1890 Ballyharvey, Antrim  came to Magheralin about 1899 with parents from Antrim

married Jane Mawhinney 1918 Belfast

They had three sons, Edward, Joseph and Thomas Cecil.

I am looking to verify the parentage  of  Joseph Mahinney, his father is named as Thomas on his marriage

also verify John Baxter b 1830 parentage, father named as John and a baptism where the mothers name

looks like Cecelia.

Thursday 13th Jul 2017, 01:12PM

Message Board Replies

  • Catmong,

    There’s no simple way to confirm Joseph Mawhinney’s parentage. But I would start by looking at Joseph’s townland at the time of his marriage, and his occupation. Also his father’s occupation. Then what information do you have about Thomas? Where was he living when he died? Was it the same townland that Joseph lived in? Did Thomas leave a will, and if so did it mention son Joseph? You have to weigh up what you find. I assume this is Joseph in 1901:

    That indicates he was a labourer. They are notoriously difficult to research because they can often move about a bit.

    Is there a family gravestone? Does it mention father and son?


    If the family were Church of Ireland and attended Magheralin church, then the following records exist, in PRONI in Belfast:

    “Baptisms, 1692-1871; marriages, 1692-1782 and 1785- 1845; burials, 1692-1863; vestry minutes, 1692-1902; annotated transcript of vestry minutes, 1702-1855.

    Extracts from diocesan records relating to Magheralin parish, 1600-1850.

    Extracts from parish registers, 1784-1853.

    Subscription list relating to the building of the church, c.1840; pew register, 1844”.


    Children to Joseph & Elizabeth, all registered in Lurgan:

    Elizabeth 4.7.1879

    Thomas 12.8.1881

    Jane 20.8.1883

    Margaret 1.1.1886

    Robert 19.9.1887

    George 26.9.1892

    David 15.9.1891

    Joseph 27.1.1896.

    So there was a child named Thomas, who was the first born son. If the family followed the traditional naming pattern, then that fits with grandfather Thomas. Looking at Jane’s birth in 1883 in Drumo & Drumcro, it’s obvious they did move about a bit. That won’t make it easy. They only moved to Ballmakeownan in 1901 according to the Valuation Revision records.

    Likewise with the search for John Baxter, what occupation and townland appears on the 1855 marriage cert? What was the father’s name? Have you found them in Griffiths? Did he leave a will etc? You say there is a baptism where the mother’s name looks like Cecelia? Where did you find that? Have you searched for other children to that same couple, to clarify the mother’s name? Have you searched for a death for her?


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 13th Jul 2017, 02:03PM
  • Hi  Elwyn

    Thank you for such a  full reply to my query, I have a family copy baptism for John Baxter the copy is dated 1908, I think it probably for to prove he was the eligble  age for a  pension, John according to the baptism parents were John and ?cecily Baxter the townland looks like Kilfinland , the Rector T McCorry Magheralin Parish Church, and  John sen occupation was a Publican.  John;s marriage  to Mary Anne Wright  his age 21 in 1855 puts his birth in 1834,

    On I have a birth for Thos Mawhinney son of Robert Mawhinney Magheralin 1816, I also noted the births of  William, Eliz, George, Patrick and Jane and there was a Robt McWhinny living in Ballymakeownan, where Joseph shows up, there is a birth for a Robert Mahinney 1820 in Magheralin I have a record of the birth from familysearch  recording his father as Robert, which could be Josephs Uncle.

    I have a copy marriage certificate 1878  for Josph Mawhinney Labourer, amd Eliz Anne Baxter , he was full age and she was a minor both resided in parish of Magheralin, both fathers Thos, Mawhinney and John Baxter are recorded as weavers no townlands mentioned, the copy is dated 1934 that is the year Eliz Anne died.

    I checked will calenders so far I have been unsuccessful, I will try the deaths for Cecily or Cecila,

    I have a lot of information gathered regarding the Mawhinney family, it is really hard proving the information is for the right family, but your conments have given me a  new outlook in handling the information and I am sure that a visit to PRONI and a visit back to Magheralin Church will help

    Thank you for your kind help


    PS The family you have listed  are my Grandmother Jane who died before I was born but I knew my great Aunt Lily (Elizabeth) Jane and Elizabeth married two brothers, one my grandfather.




    Thursday 13th Jul 2017, 10:51PM
  • I looked for Kilfinland. There’s no townland of that name in Magheralin today. Only 2 start with the letter K. Kilfullert and Kircassock. Could it be Kilfullert? There was a Mary Baxter there on a 2 acre plot in 1864, in Griffiths. (She’d likely be a widow).

    Labourer/weavers are notoriously tricky to research. They tended to rent cottage for 6 months or a year and move about to follow available work. With a common name it can be difficult to be sure you have found the right person.

    And labourers often don’t leave wills, or at least not wills that require probate. (Small value estates can often be administered without probate).

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 14th Jul 2017, 10:16AM
  • Hi Elwyn

    I was looking through, they have quite a few Magheralin Parish records for Baxter family dating baxk to late 1700's I came across Kilfullert and it could well be the name and you have just mentioned that is on the baptism copy.

    I also found the death of Cecelia Baxter in 1843 it is just an index record at the moment I have to purchase the record and hopefully I will know to seek Johns death after or before hers. 

    Thank you again for your help, as I said I have a lot of data and I feel I am getting some inroads to the Baxters, but there are quite a lot and without mothers names it is nightmarish.  Thank you again, I appreciate all your help





    Friday 14th Jul 2017, 10:52PM
  • Hi Eleanor

    I wondered with the names you have Do you know of any Mawhinny's that went to New Zealand for a short time and then returned to Magheralin or the area. My Grandad Robert Bob Carson moved to NZ from Magheralin in 1926 and a cousin? came out in the 1950's but they - Mother and 2 or 3 daughters (one was a model and one at university) went back. With DNA we have a match to Baxter as well. I just do not know how yet. Just a stab in the dark, but you never know.

    Kind Regards Greta Harman 





    Friday 12th Jun 2020, 09:12AM

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