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I am hoping that someone may be able to assist me in locating the record I seek. 

I am looking for the actual Kilkenny Assizes record for the Trial in Kilkenny on 15 March 1833 which resulted in a Life conviction for Thomas Griffin, a farm servant and boatman. According to the convict record for him he als ohad a former conviction for 3 months. 

I have searched and been unable to locate the actual record of the Kilkenny assizes which I am hoping may provide me with information about Thomas. I would also like to locate the fromer conviction record too. 

I believe Thomas was born in New Ross. 

Thank you!




Sunday 16th Jul 2017, 06:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Barred_Bandicoot:

    Many thanks for your post the Ireland Reaching Out message board and welcome!


    The Assizes records were normally reported in newspapers and it may be possible to find out more about the particular trial by viewing Irish newspapers.  The Irish Newspaper Archive or the British Newspaper Archives would both be good places to try to find this information.  They are subscription sites. 

    Alternatively, you might also be able to find information about the trial through the National Archives of Ireland website.  However, those assizes records are not online.  You would need to contact the National Archives by email.  Assize records may also be held at the National Archives in the UK.  The staff at the National Archives of Ireland will be able to tell you.

    Another option is to look through the IGP webpages for County Kilkenny.  It may be that someone has transcribed information or placed information online about the case (either the assizes trial or the previous conviction). 

    FindMyPast also has the petty sessions online.  Again, this is a subscription site, but the records can be viewed, and subscriptions for short term can be taken out.


    If you have any further questions, please contact me.  The very best of luck with your research!


    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Thursday 20th Jul 2017, 02:06PM
  • Thank you for your very helpful reply Jane and for the welcome!

    Findmypast advertises that they have the records and I subscribed but had no luck in searching for Thomas Griffin. 

    I will try the newspapers - would the Kilkenny Assizes have been held in Kilkenny or in various locations throughout the County, do you know? 

    I will also contact the Ireland Archives and see what they can advice, as my next port of call.  

    Kind regards,





    Friday 21st Jul 2017, 08:08AM
  • Attached Files

    Hello Aileen,

    I am sending you two newspaper reports of the trial of Thomas Griffin. They are both fairly similar. One of them is from the Freeman's Journal (a national newspaper of that time). The other report is from The Kilkenny Moderator (a local KIlkenny newspaper of the same time). As you can see sentencing was at a later date. I intend to see if I can find that date. If you have the date he arrived in Australia. it would help to narrow the search.I hope this info helps your research.

    Best Wishes,

    Paddy Lacey,

    Ballyadams Laois

    Monday 31st Jul 2017, 10:37PM
  • Attached Files


    This is the other report.


    Ballyadams Laois

    Monday 31st Jul 2017, 10:42PM
  • Attached Files

    Ballyadams Laois

    Monday 31st Jul 2017, 10:44PM
  • Dear Paddy:


    Thanks very much for your assistance for Aileen!! 


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Tuesday 1st Aug 2017, 08:45AM
  • Thank you Paddy! 
    my sincere apologies that it has taken me so long to realise you had posted this information for me. I very much appreciate the assistance and wow! It is so interesting to read the articles, it certainly didn’t pay to sound like someone else in this times . 
    He arrived in Australia in 1833 in the middle of November . 

    Thank you again, 



    Thursday 4th May 2023, 01:49PM

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