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I will be in Ireland for a week starting March 1, 2018. My goal is to find memory of Bridget Quigley. She was born March 25, 1844 and christened in Aglish RC parish according to one source. Her parents were Patrick Quigley and Anne Sweeney. Her godparents were Martin McNulty and Bridget Mullowney. Another source cites the same child and birth date but the mother's name is noted as Nancy Sweeney and the parish is noted as Castlebar in the Diocese of Tuam. A geneologist was able to find these results. I do not know how to sort out these two different locations and need help. I am not gifted at doing ancestral research. It would mean a lot to me and the rest of my family to know more about our Irish ancestry.

Monday 27th Nov 2017, 05:07PM

Message Board Replies

  • Lora:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The RC parish for the area was Castlebar/Aglish/Ballyhean/Breaghny  Castlebar is the main town and the civil parish was Aglish. So it was/is the same parish and in the mid-19th century, there were likely as many as four chapels for the parish. When you look at the index page for the parish register, you will see an annotation saying " The pages are in great disorder" for the baptisms from 1838-1855. I tried to find the record for Bridget and I did not find it but it is clear that there are multiple priests involved and the records around 1844 are not in one numerical sequence by date but we know Bridget's record is there somewhere because it was transcribed by Roots Ireland. Also, Nancy is a variant of Anne so bottom line the two records mentioned are for the same person.

    I looked at the 1855/1856 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Aglish civil parish and there were two Quigley records for Carrowbrinoge townland so likely Patrick Quigley was from that townland.

    Let me know if you need additional assistance

    We do not have a parish liaison for the Castlebar area but I will alert our HQ about your March trip.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 27th Nov 2017, 06:08PM
  • Hi Lora,

    The correct date is 25th March 1843, link below. 

    Did Bridget marry? emigrate ?

    Do you have any sibling detail ?


    Gerard, Parish Liaison Lackagh

    Sunday 3rd Dec 2017, 10:43PM
  • Gerard:

    Thanks for your help! I spent about 30 minutes looking for that record but it eluded me.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 4th Dec 2017, 08:12PM
  • Thank you Roger for clarifying that the Castlebar/Aglish names belong to one and the same parish.

    Both of you take my breath away with the means you both use to seach information presented by a person such as myself. To learn that Patrick Quigley was likely from Carrowbrinoge townland sounds like a help in finding a meaningful geographic location and possibly some memory of Bridget and her family.


    Thank you too Gerard for finding another document for Bridget that shows that she was older than I thought.


    To answer your questions Bridget emigrated. The geneologist found a source showing that Bridget was in the US on the 1870 census and married to William Hugh Bennett. The geneologist found a set of records titled "Dunbrody Famine Ship Experience & Irish Emigrant Experience - Irish Emigration Database". There was one entry for a Bridget Quigley who arrived in 1866 as a gentleman's servant, age 20. An attendant search was made to see if either of Bridget's parents entered the States at around the same time. One was found for Nancy Quigley in 1868, age 46. Bridget and Hugh gave birth to many children of whom Stephen James my grandfather survived the longest, William H. second longest and a third son whose name I don't recall who died in 1909. / Lora B.

    Thursday 7th Dec 2017, 07:11PM
  • Lora:

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing?


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 8th Dec 2017, 09:34PM
  • Attached Files
    AnnieQuigley.jpg (84.88 KB)

    Hi Lora et al,

    I can't be sure my family intersects with yours, but I am also looking for Quigleys from Castlebar. My great grandmother Annie Quigley was born in Chicago 2 June 1850, daughter of Patrick Quigley. This information was on her 1928 death certificate and that is all we have ever been able to find in the records for her. She married Daniel Bodett in 1870 or 1871 and then appeared in censuses (1880, 1900, 1910, 1920), but her birth and marriage records were apparently lost to the Chicago Fire in 1871. With her 2 Jun birthdate, she should not have appeared in the 1850 census. I did find a record for Patrick and 'Mrs' Quigley in the 1850 census in Chicago. That was actually taken in October, but it is supposed to only include those living on 1 Jun 1850--so Annie not appearing is correct, but I have wondered... At any rate, I have literally paged thru the census records for Chicago in 1860 and 1870 and cannot find Annie, tho a couple of Patricks show up.

    Well, all that is probably not relevant to this board. BUT, I did take the Ancestry autosomal DNA test in spring of 2016...and I connected with the extended family of Michael Quigley. According to his descendants in the US, Michael was born 8 Dec 1854 in Castlebar Parish to John Quigley and Bridget McTigue. He married Anne Ginnelly (lots of alternate spellings for this one) about 1885-6, and they had 11 children. Michael and his family apper in the 1901 census in Islandeady Parish, Mayo. He died there 28 Sep 1914. Several of his daughters emigrated to the US in the 1890s and 1900s, settling in Chicago or New York City. I know Michael cannot be my Annie's sibling, but based on my connection to many of Michael's descendants, I have theorized that he was a 1st cousin. Having put a senior Quigley father in my family tree, born about 1790 (that is very very estimated), I have placed Annie's father Patrick (born about 1810 per that Chgo 1850 census) and Michael's father John as his sons. This makes two of my 'extremely high' DNA matches my 4th cousins. Another two 'very high' matches are also 4th cousins. All 4 of them can be documented as the great great grandchildren of John Quigley and Bridget McTigue thru their son Michael. Again, my assumption is that John is the brother of my Annie's father Patrick. Does anybody want to take a crack at finding records pre-1850? I haven't had any luck to date searching from afar.

    I also have unexplained DNA matches to County Mayo that I assume must be related to the wife of my mythical Quigley patriarch from around 1790 or be from Annie's mother's family. One tree features some Ginnelly's (see above, the family of Michael's wife). Two others start with a Bridget O'Brien, born in 1859 in Mayo, who emigrated to Chicago around 1880. She married Theodore Roach, they had 7 children, eventually settling in Campbell County, KY. Two of Bridget's great granddaughters are 'very high' matches, perhaps 3rd or 4th cousins?

    I don't expect anyone to suddenly break thru my Quigley brick wall, but I've been registered at this site for several years, and particularly here in County Mayo since I got my DNA results. I've included a picture of my Annie Quigley, taken in the 1890s. This Quigley message definitely caught my eye. Anyone who has theories or any light to shine, I'd appreciate it. There is some not small chance that Lora and I could be related thru our Quigleys, no?

    Pat Anderson Wallace, great-great granddaughter of Patrick Quigley, presumably born in Mayo somewhere between 1810 and 1830


    Thursday 14th Jun 2018, 04:09PM
  • Hi Pat!

    Hopefully, Lora has tested her DNA and you can see if there is a match. Have you laoded your Ancestry datat to Gedmatch   Gedmatch will allow you to expand your matching pool.

    Also, that is a great picture of Annie. Please consider adding her story to our XO Chronicles site…

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 15th Jun 2018, 05:14PM
  • Thanks for your response, Roger. I am at Gedmatch. And I have also uploaded my Ancestry results at MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA...and anywhere anyone looks, my user name is blue48pw (email=@ I feel like it is a little premature to post Annie's story...particularly since she is a native born Chicagoan, but I could be persuaded if others feel it would be relevant/helpful. I've yet to have success untangled what all my different DNA matches are trying to tell me, but I learn a bit each day. I'll certainly share any significant progress here.




    Saturday 16th Jun 2018, 06:51AM

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