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Any info on the Marsh family. They were Quakers, John Marsh born in Co Armagh 1620-1630, died 1688 Armagh. Son Joseph born 1640 , died Jan 1687 Loughsgall, and Joshua of Drumanicannon, Parish Seagoe immigrated to America in 1736                       

Tuesday 19th Dec 2017, 07:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • Lynn:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Surprisingly, Roots Ireland does have some 17th century Quaker records for three parishes in Armagh but when I searched for John, Joseph and Joshua Marsh no records came up.

    You may want to add Joshua's story to our XO Chronicles site…

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 19th Dec 2017, 09:54PM
  • There are quite a few references to this Marsh family held at the Historical Library, Quaker House Dublin 16.

    Marsh     Joshua of  Drumanga (Lurgan meeting) M  28-6-1695  to  Elizabeth Rogers of Drumanacannon

    Marsh     Joseph  of Ballyhegan townland residence Crannagh (Richhill meeting M 27-5-1732  Ruth Hobson of Drumilly.

    There were two removals on 2-4-1736 for Joshua and John Marsh which could be the date they removed to America.

    Hobson is a well known Quaker name in the area and there are still family in the area.

    Quaker records are held at PRONI   MIC16.

    Quaker records are published on Findmypast.   

    All three records vary.



    Hilary Walker

    Saturday 30th Dec 2017, 10:18PM
  • Hilary, Thank you for the Marsh info. I will be in Belfast in April/May and is there anywhere close where I can search records? Perhaps Lisburn Meeting House on Magheralane Rd?

    Again, thank you



    Sunday 31st Dec 2017, 03:17PM
  • Hilary, Thank you for the Marsh info. I will be in Belfast in April/May and is there anywhere close where I can search records? Perhaps Lisburn Meeting House on Magheralane Rd?

    Again, thank you



    Sunday 31st Dec 2017, 03:17PM
  • Dear Lynn.  Good to know that you will be in Belfast April/May.  I sugest that you do lots of homework before you go.

    Findmypast Quaker records might be a good beginning.  I have had a quick look at the indexes only and did have a chuckle.  Although your Marshs left in aprox 1736 they seem to have left behind lots of family who continued to be Quakers for a couple of hundred years?

    To access the records you can open Findmypast.  Go to the Search option then A-Z of record sets.  Mark Ireland and enter Quaker in the search box.  This will bring up 8 data bases.  The most interesting to you will be the Births, Deaths, Marriage and Migration records.  (had a quick look at the migration records and could not see removal documents for John and Joshua in 1736 they seem to be held in Dublin).  Good luck.

    Regardong the Hobsons the Griffiths Valuation records have a Joshua living in the townland of Drumilly.  Go forward to the 1901 census and there is a Josua Hobson living there and he is a quaker.

    The records in PRONI are on microfilm MIC/16.  You can go into the ecatalogue and into browse.  Enter MIC16 and by clicking on the left hand side you will find 45 divisions of Quaker records.

    Your Marshes seem to have attended the Richhill meeting but they might also have attended the Grange which is over the Blackwater river near Moy.

    The records held by the Quaker Historical Library in Dublin could be interesting.  This library is usually only open one morning a week.  Check their web site.

    I hope this is of some use.



    Hilary Walker

    Tuesday 2nd Jan 2018, 02:31AM
  • Dear Lynn,  just a few more ideas.

    I have looked at-  Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750.  By Albert Cook Myers.

    There are many references to the Marsh family.  I have seen six pages and have tried and failed to make an attachment to this post.

    Here is some of the information.

    Joshua Marsh presented a removal document  from the Grange Meeting for himself wife Elizabeth (Rogers) and their children Jonathan, Peter and Abagail.  Dated 2nd April 1736 and signerd by 24 members of the Grange meeting.

    John Marsh son of Joshua presented a similar removal document naming his wife Elizabeth (Hobson)

    Later pages identify this John as having sons John, Jonathan and William

    They bought land at Nantmeal, Chester Co.   They also attended the Goshen Monthly meeting.

    Two years later Joshua's son-in-law  Thomas McMillan wife Deborah (Marsh)  and family arrived.

    I still hold these pages but can't work out how to send them.



    Hilary Walker

    Friday 5th Jan 2018, 11:58PM
  • Dear Hilary, Once again thanks for all your time and info. I think we are on the same page. I have the book Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania so I have all the information you mentioned. I also tried Findmypast and entered like you explained to me but couldn’t get very far without joining. I plan to go to PRONI and do some searching while I’m in Belfast. Since I’ll be there to check out the Titanic Exhibit they are close by. Also will be meeting with a genealogy tour guide who is aware of the places I want to see so that should be an interesting day. I’ve got my trip planned so I’m ready!  As well of learning about the Marsh family it’s been interesting to learn more about the Quakers and also Quakers in Ireland!  Thank you again for all the searching you’ve done for me. This website has been the most helpful and responsive. Always look forward to hearing from Ireland XO!






    Saturday 6th Jan 2018, 12:32PM
  • Lynn,  I am back again?

    You probably know but I will repeat.

    The area in the Loughgall parish has had a colourful history.

    In 1659 two Huguenot regements under General Schomberg besieged Charlemont Fort.

    They put mortars on Leger Hill (the old Rath) and lobbed balls twords the fort.

    It would have uncomfortable living in the area and of course it would have been impossible to cross the Blackwater River and go to the Grange meeting house.

    Schomberg and his regiments then went down to the Boyne an and fought the battle in 1690.  An interesting time.



    Hilary Walker

    Wednesday 7th Feb 2018, 03:28AM

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