1st January 1938
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The Schools' Collection was part of the National Folklore Collection which was undertaken throughout Ireland between the years 1937 - 1939. Over 5,000 local primary schools took part in the collection sharing stories of local interest.

The stories collected by the children not only named those who took part in the collecting but also those in the community who shared their stories.  The stories shared included not only oral history, topographical information, folktales and legends, riddles and proverbs, games and pastimes, trades and crafts. Many stories were shared by parents, grandparents, and neighbours within each local community.  These stories are available to view online through the Dúchas website at:  https://www.duchas.ie/en/cbes.

The Schools that were chosen are arranged by County and in many cases, no longer exist due to amalgamations made in rural Ireland in the 1960s and early 1970s. 

The collection can be viewed by County, by School and by Name of the Informant and the Story Collector.  The information contained in these stories can be a very useful genealogical source as well as a local history source for research. 

Some communities associated with this timeline