

Frank T Doyle (perhaps Francis), Wexford, 1852-1881 (possibly Grattan Street, Gorey Urban)

Looking for information on Frank T Doyle, DOB approximately 1852 (range could be 1852-1857). Having difficulty locating records over here in the States, too. His parents were Frank and Sarah Doyle, both born in Wexford. Ireland's 1901 Census lists this County Wexford address and I’m almost positive these are the parents/family of “Frank T” on Grattan Street, Gorey Urban. This is based on information passed down to us from our relatives, their names, where they were from, timeframes, etc., all match. Not sure if he was born and/or baptized in Wexford himself but his parents, sister and niece were all born in Wexford per the 1901 Census. He emigrated to the US approximately 1881 and was married 1882 to Mary Kelly (also a new Irish immigrant) in Philadelphia where he remained to raise his family until his death 1930 or so. I have US Census data on him but absolutely no other records on him, no immigration or other records other than US Census records to go on. Any IrelandXO leads or documents would be greatly appreciated. Can’t find baptismal or civil birth records, have scoured Ancestry and other sites to no avail. Found his parents Frank & Sarah (and his sister Sarah and nephew Charles) per above 1901 Census data. Hoping for some leads to “Frank T” himself who is my great grandfather. Thanks for any assistance!  Mary

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1852 (circa)


  • Is it possible you are crossing your Frank T with my Frank T Doyle? I also have a great grandfather Frank T Doyle who married Mary Kelly after they emigrated separately to Philadelphia. Same immigration and marriage dates, too. I have photos of them and subsequent generations as we were all raised in Philadelphia near them. Based on what you have written, the information is strikingly similar to my ancestral history so that may be why you have hit a brick wall. My Frank T Doyle's parents were Thomas Doyle and Mary Mulloony (Maloney); unable to fully verify Thomas or locate any records for Mary, as yet.

    There could possibly be another Frank T Doyle considering how many Doyles were in Wexford!!!


    Tuesday 24th November 2020 09:20PM

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