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I am looking for any living relatives of Charles McFadden (14/11/1927), he had a brother called Patrick McFadden (both deceased) who was married to a lady called Joan, Charles was also related to a lady called Agnes McFadden (also deceased) and Rosie McGarvey ( also deceased). Rosie had a son called Patrick McGarvey who would be in his 50's now. Charles also had a sister or cousin I'm not sure which but she had the surname Gillespie. They were all from the Gweedore area and if anyone has any leads or info that might help it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read x

Tuesday 4th Jun 2019, 11:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • I do apologise for all the parishes but I am new to all this and really have no info or where to start looking

    Tuesday 4th Jun 2019, 11:43PM
  • Dear Victoria:


    Many thanks for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board.  We do not get involved with people searches within the last 100 years.  My best advice to you is to write a letter to one of the local newspapers.  I noted that you specifically mentioned Gweedore.  The local paper there is Donegal News and the email address to write  to the editor is:

    The best of luck with your research.  


    Kind regards,




    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 5th Jun 2019, 12:51PM

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