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Bridget Condron From Mullingar Co Westmeath.

I am looking for my Great Grandmother’s family, her name was Bridget Condron                                                                       RC - Baptised Mullingar 11th Feb 1834.

 Her Parents                                                                                                                                                                             Elizabeth (born L’estrange) and Edward Condron

Her 2 Siblings                                                                                                                                                                           James Condron RC - Baptised Mullingar 11th May 1826                                                                                                             Mary Condron  RC - Baptised Mullingar 11th Mar 1831

In 1849 Bridget and her sister Mary were part of the 40 girls sent from Mullingar to Adelaide South Australia, as famine orphans (Earl Grey’s Scheme)

I have found a death record for an Edward Condron in 1836, may have been their father?

What became of Elizabeth their mother, did she die before they came to Australia, or was she in a workhouse?

What became of Bridget and Mary’s brother James Condron? ( I couldn’t find any death records)

There is a Mullingar RC marriage of James Condron to Catherine Casey 11/1/1851 (no parents names recorded)

I am trying to verify if this James Condron is Bridget’s brother?

I have worked forward in time with this James Condron, in the hope I may find a descendant who can verify their family history before James and Catherine?

James and Catherine Condron had 7 children,

 10th Dec 1851 Ellenor Condron       RC Parish Ballyloughloe Co Westmeath                                                                               11th Feb 1855 Bridget Condron       RC Parish Mullingar Co Westmeath                                                                                       11th Jun 1858 Catherine Condron   RC Parish Mullingar Co Westmeath                                                                                     11th Jan 1861 Mary Ann Condron   RC Parish Mullingar Co Westmeath                                                                                     11th Mar 1864 Ann Condron            RC Parish Mullingar Co Westmeath                                                                                    11th Mar 1867 Patrick Condron   RC Parish Mullingar Co Westmeath (Occupation Engine Driver)                                 11th Oct 1870 James Condron        RC Parish Mullingar Co Westmeath

Patrick Condron 26th Dec 1892 aged 25 marries widow Mary McCabe ( maiden name Finlin)

RC - Parish Sligo No 2 - Priest R.McLaughlin

Patrick & Mary’s Address Knappagh, Sligo

Patrick & Mary’s parents are also listed on marriage record as :

James Condron & Catherine Casey  and  Martin Finlin & Catherine Smith

Patrick’s Occupation Engine Driver listed on the marriage record

1911 Census, shows Patrick and Mary have 4 children, living at 3 Knappagh Road (Sligo West Urban, Sligo)                                                                  Mary has 2 children by her first marriage Nicholas and Mary McCabe                             

1. 1893   - ?              Ellen Theresa Condron                                                                                                                                                                     1915 she married Thomas Cavendish in Sligo

2. 1895 - 1923          James Joseph Condron  -  Occupation Railway Fireman                                                                                                                  1920  he married Christina Mcloughlan in Sligo, they had a daughter                                                                                               Elizabeth Condron who married Thomas Conway in Sligo 16 /2/1941 

3. 1897  - ?               Patrick John Condron                                                                                                                                                                       1935 he marries Elizabeth Carter in Sligo

4. 1899 - ?                William Condron - Occupation Railway Man                                                                                                                                      1928 William marries Ann Jane Monaghan in Sligo, they have 5 Children                                                      

  1.  1929 - 1950  James Condron                                                                                                                                                      2.  1930 - 1951 Mary Condron         Spinster Died from TB aged 20 years                                                                                    3.  1931 - 1951 Nellie Condron        Spinster Died aged 20 years                                                                                                4.    ?   - 1950  Marie Condron                                                                                                                                                        5.  Unknown              Condron

This is all the information I have been able to find, I will also post this on the Sligo site, as Patrick Condron ended up living there.

I am hoping that someone who reads this, may have a family connection with this Condron family.

Lyn Hyde                                                                                                                                                                                  Hepburn Springs, Vic                                                                                                                                                                    Australia

Email -






Lyn Hyde

Tuesday 11th Jun 2019, 05:13AM

Message Board Replies

  • Lyn:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Great job of researching your family.d RC marriages

    Civil registration of births, deaths and RC marriages started in 1864.started in 1864.

    It is possible the 1836 record is for your ancestor but it will be hard to verify.

    No way to tell what happened to Elizabeth. I checked the free site and there are no Elizabeth Condron death records from 1864-1901 in the Mullingar registration district which not only covers Mullingar but also surrounding parishes.

    She is not on the Mullingar RC death records pre-1864

    The 1851 marriage record you located is a good lead but again no way to confirm.

    Sligo is a good way from Westmeath. Did you know already that Patrick who married in 1892 had moved to Sligo because of his occupation?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 11th Jun 2019, 02:05PM
  • Hello Roger,

    I only made the connection with Patrick after spending hours looking at birth, death and marriages records, in all the counties.

    Patrick had put his parent’s names on his marriage certificate, what a fluke?

    I can only assumed Patrick moved to Sligo because of his work with the railways as a shunter.

    He must have travelled back to Mullingar at different times, I have found his youngest son James on the 1901 census aged 6, staying at his uncle’s house in Mullingar. (his mother’s people)

    First Name   Surname   Occupation     Age   Relationship  Denomination     Marital Status    Origin

    Martin           Finlan         Railway Porter   32    Householder    Roman Catholic   Not Married       Westmeath

    James          Condron      Nr                         6     Nephew         Roman Catholic   Not Married       Co. Sligo

    Mary             McCabe      Nr                       15     Niece             Roman Catholic    Not Married      Westmeath

    Edward         Finlan         Railway Porter    25     Brother          Roman Catholic    Not Married       Westmeath

    Kate              Finlan         Nr                       30     Sister             Roman Catholic    Not Married       Westmeath

    I wonder if railway employees got a concession when travelling on their company trains? Patrick’s sons, in-law’s and the next generation seemed to be employed by the railways.

    I came across The Currey family tree on the My Heritage website and this family has a connection with the Condron’s as far back as James and Catherine (born Casey)

    I have emailed the person who looks after this family tree twice, but have never got a reply.

    It seems my only hope is that someone with a family connection reads this on the Mullingar or Sligo message board.

    I have found Condron marriage and death records for the 1940s and 1950s in Sligo, I feel some of their descendants must still be in the area today.

    All I can do is wait and hope.

    A question for you regarding Elizabeth Condron's death records, if she had died in a workhouse, is it possible the records would only be held by the workhouse and not in Parish records? 

    Thank you for your efforts, Roger.


    Lyn Hyde



    Lyn Hyde

    Wednesday 12th Jun 2019, 09:56AM
  • Hi Lyn!

    Just so you know, all messages even if posted at a parish or county level, end up on the main message board. You will see that I added a comment to your Sligo message alerting other volunteers to this message and our exchanges.

    Also, we are having systems issues with the message board. For at least three days, over the past weekend, no one could post a new message. Now it appears that new messages are can be posted but there is no box to post a reply for many of the messages. Our HQ systems lead is working with the software vendor to try to correct all of the known issues.

    Getting replies to messages on DNA sites is problematic and frustrating. Sometimes you get lucky and you and the other person go back and forth for a week sharing family info. However, probably have the time in my experience, and I'm on Ancestry, MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA and Gedmatch, do you get a reply.

    If Elizabeth Condron died in a Workhouse pre-1864, there would be no record of her death. If she died 1864 or later, the Workhouse should have registered the death civilly.

    All the best!


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 12th Jun 2019, 03:49PM

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