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Hello all!!  I’m searching for information regarding my grandfather, Richard Gilchrist, born 1906 in Rathsallagh, Co. Wicklow  His father, Henry Gilchrist was son of Thomas Gilchrist from Rathengrew, Co. Carlow  Thomas was married to Jane Jones from Donard, Co. Wicklow. Henry was married to Eleanor Moody, daughter of Thomas Moody and Annie Ubank.  Eleanor had one brother, William and three half siblings from Thomas first marriage  (Christopher, Annie, and unknown sister).  I’m looking for any connections   My grandfather came to America in 1925 after the family sold their sizable farm in 1925 in Tornant, Dunlavin .  Would love to know why they decided to leave such a beautiful place.  Especially since America wasn’t so kind.  Looking for answers   I’ve just returned from an unforgettable week traveling through Galway, Dublin and Dunlavin and will be coming back in a few years with my sisters.   







Saturday 31st Aug 2019, 12:18AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello again.  I'm pleased that you enjoyed your visit. 

    (Volunteers: Related thread "Seeking information: Ubank, Moody, Gilchrist", posted 24th August 2019. ) 

    Did the sale of the farm follow a death or a bankruptcy ?  There may have been economic or political factors influencing the move.  It was only 2 years after the Civil War which had been preceded by the War of Independence.  There were hard times all over Europe after the Great War of 1914-1918.  Reading local and national newspapers of the time in Irish and British newspaper archives will give you a feel for what was going on.  Many historic newspapers are accessible online. 

    Maggie May

    Saturday 31st Aug 2019, 01:07AM
  • How do I find a link for historical papers?  That would be so fascinating!! 


    Saturday 31st Aug 2019, 04:02PM
  • There are some historical newspapers online.

    Irish Newspaper Archives is a subscription website.   It has "Wicklow Newsletter" 1900-1926 and other county and regional titles, and national papers. 

    Select "Newspapers" tab to see a list of newspapers and years held. Click on a newspaper title for more information about it, e.g. where published, political leanings &c. 

    British Newspaper Archive includes many Irish newspapers.  In addition, Irish news was reported in some newspapers published in Britain. 

    British Newspaper Archive is also on Find My Past family history website (subscription).  You can search under surname. I usually omit forename since many reports didn't include forenames.  There are a great many results for "Dublin Evening Telegraph" 1924/5 because a novel with characters named Gilchrist was serialised in it.  

    There were some Gilchrist  sales advertised in "Wicklow People". Thomas Gilchrist, small farm at Hacketstown, County Carlow (1915) and some in Wicklow in 1920s.  The reason given for the sale of the property at Tourant was emigration.  ( "Wicklow People" 25th April 1925 ) 

    "Wicklow People" had a death notice for Elisabeth Gilchrist, daughter of "the late Henry Gilchrist", followed by an instruction  "American papers please copy". 

    If you extend search years you'll find other, minor matters, some of which came to court  e.g. a fine for being without a car licence; poaching; a dispute between a Gilchrist uncle and nephew about ownership of some cattle. Irish Petty Sessions records are online and indexed by surname.  Petty Sessions courts were for minor offences. 

    Was Private Edward Gilchrist, reported killed in action in France in WW1, a relative? 

    There was an intriguing mention, in a newspaper article published in 1938,  of a Richard Gilchrist who had refused to take part in setting fire to a priest's house. I assume it was an historical account, as yeomen were involved. Perhaps 1798 Rising in Wicklow.  (I can only read an extract.)

    Btw Ubank surname was mentioned frequently in Wicklow press in 1860s because Arthur Ubank was Clerk of Rathdrum Union and his name was on the report of every meeting, until his death in 1866. 


    Link to your previous thread about Ubank, Moody and Gilchrist.…

    Maggie May

    Sunday 1st Sep 2019, 01:24AM
  • Did you know that the visit of Richard Gilchrist's son to Ireland in 1950s was covered in a local newspaper?  It's in a compilation in "Leinster Leader". 

    Halfway down the page.  "An interested visitor to Dunlavin  .....  to see the birthplace of his father, Mr Richard Gilchrist of Tournant  .... ".   It says he visited relatives. 


    Maggie May

    Sunday 1st Sep 2019, 02:50AM
  • Thank you Maggie so much for this information. I did google and found the Wicklow paper. Now that you’ve given me an idea that I can find information - I’ll set up a subscription.  I was given a copy of that article from my tour guide when I visited a few weeks ago!  It was my uncle who visited!  Thanks again - I’m off for my hunting!! 


    Sunday 1st Sep 2019, 01:58PM
  • I found another mention of the Gilchrist who was a member of the yeomanry, as told by his grandson.  It was in a Wicklow paper in 1938.  

    Maggie May

    Monday 2nd Sep 2019, 01:15AM
  • 2 sources about farming history in Ireland.  

    "Agricultural Output in the Irish Free State Area Before and After Independence"   by O'Connor, R. & Guimard, C. in the journal "Irish Economic and Social History" volume 12 pages 89-97.  Some journal articles are online so try googling. It's on a reading list at the end of a study of Irish agricultural history which I downloaded some time ago.   

    Agricultural History Society of Ireland    The publications list has 2 books by John Bell and Mervyn Watson which may be relevant. 

    Maggie May

    Monday 2nd Sep 2019, 02:08AM
  • Hello,

    I know there hasn't been any activity here for a while but I just thought I would volunteer some information that would be of use to you. My great grandfather, Gerald Byrne, was a friend of Richards. He was also from Dunlavin. I have some photos here of the two of them from when they were younger with other friends. I also have an envelope with Richard's return address on it from 1970, showing that they kept in touch so long after he emigrated. There is another photo in this file that we believe to be Richard but are unsure. We attached it anyway. All these photos were from Gerald's personal collection.…

    Hope this helps,

    Jean Traynor.


    Thursday 18th Feb 2021, 09:44PM
  • Thank you so much Jean!! What a wonderful surprise to see such younger pictures of my grandfather!!  The picture with the turkey is how I remember him most. I was 2 at the time of that picture and have video footage of that day as well!!  I'm wondering if your great grandfather's family was from the same family that married into my grandfathers?  My grandfathers sister, Annie, married Nicholas Byrne. They had 4 daughters - two born in Wicklow and two in America.  Would Nicholas be related to your great-grandfather Gerald?  So very fascinating!  Thank you so much for sharing this information. Please feel free to share more details directly at


    Friday 19th Feb 2021, 03:23AM

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