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Hello Group! I'm researching John Graham & Susan McKeown, his wife, both of Belfast, and both in the 1901 and 1911 census records. They'd be my Great Grandparents, paternal. Thomas was one of their children, and he's believed to have emigrated to Canada about 1925. Gleaned a bit from "Ancestry", but keep hitting those walls. John may have died on 25 Dec 1940, and possibly remarried an Edith. Things are a bit sketchy, as nobody wanted to talk about this family for some reason. Any help would be very appreciated!  thanks...


Monday 4th Nov 2019, 02:34AM

Message Board Replies

  • There is a death registered in Belfast on 25th Dec 1840 for John Graham aged 73. You can view the original certificate on-line on the GRONI website, using the “search registrations” option:

    You will need to open an account and buy some credits. It costs £2.50 (sterling) to a view a certificate.  You can use the same site to search for Susan’s death and John’s re-marriage to someone named Edith.  There are quite a few John Graham marriages in the period 1911 to 1945 but it shouldn’t take too long to work through them to see who they married. (I see one on 25.8.1920 in Belfast to Edith Brown. However that John was a bachelor, so can presumably be ignored).

    The 1945 death certificate should give you John’s marital status in 1945, so from that you can search for his second wife’s death. I see an Edith Graham death in Belfast on 18.5.1942 aged 33, and another on 14.1.1968 aged 78. But there were others outside Belfast. 

    There’s a tree on Ancestry which gives Susan Graham’s dates as 1859 – 1920. There’s a death in Belfast that fits that on 19.10.1920, aged 61. However she was the wife of William Graham, time keeper. So not the right lady as far as I can see.…

    Post the results of your search on this board and I’ll see if I can add anything to your information.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 4th Nov 2019, 05:24AM
  • Still following, or trying to, on this search, Elwyn. Will try to contact the people at the church again. Have determined that John's son, Thomas EDWARD (mygranddad), changed his name on arrival in Canada. Haven't yet determined why he wanted to throw off the scent. Thanks for the leads on this!


    Saturday 25th Sep 2021, 06:53PM
  • Can you give me links to your family in the 1901 &1911 censuses, so I can pick them up? I am having difficulty identifying the right family.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 26th Sep 2021, 07:38PM

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