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Hello I am wondering if the Paul Family really are Irish or if they were originally from Scotland?  They lived in the Skerry Parish, Balltmena, Co Antrim,

Until Moses born  about 1806 and John I born 1822 Immigrated to Ontario Canada.  I have seen a list of Irish Surnames and Paul is not one of them.

I also have an older John Paul born ?  died 1744 also in Skerry, Ballymena, Northern Ireland.  How do I find any information to take me back further?

And if we started out as Scottish?  Dot Paul for my Husband's family.    email


Wednesday 1st Jan 2020, 11:16PM

Message Board Replies

  • Did your Paul family live in Elgany or Knockanully? If so, I have come across them before. They were Presbyterian and attended Broughshane 1st church. There's still a Paul descendant living there, on the family farm. I saw her on local TV a few years back when someone from Canada tracked her down and asked her about the family, and for some reason it was filmed. (Her knowledge really only went back 3 or 4 generations. They might have got a DNA sample but I don't think they made much real progress).

    You ask whether their ancestry would have been Irish or Scottish. Almost certainly Scottish, in my opinion. They lived in Co Antrim. Literally half the population of that county came from Scotland. Your family was Presbyterian. The Scots brought Presbyterianism to Ireland. It was unknown in Ireland before that. And your family had a name commonly found in Scotland, So you have 3 pointers indicating Scottish ancestry. Whilst Ireland as a whole is predominently Roman Catholic, Co. Antrim is an exception. Even today the majority are Presbyterian.  Some 200,000 Scots moved to Ireland during the 1600s, representing something like 20% of the entire Scottish population. Some came in the early 1600s as part of a Plantation and settlement arrangement. Others came in the 1690s because of famine in Scotland. So, statistically, your family are likely to have arrived in the 1600s. It's only about 25 or 30 miles from the Ayrshire coast to Skerry. They didn't have far to come.

    You ask how to take the research back further. The answer is with great difficulty. There are no church records for that period and few other records of any use. You will probably find it difficult,

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 2nd Jan 2020, 03:05PM
  • Hello Elwyn  Thank you Very much for your reply.  I have a Wiiliam Paul born 1780 died 1866 in Rathkenney, Skerry Parish, Antrim.

    A Archibald born 1782 died Lisbreen, Co Antrim and a Moses Paul born 1784 and died 1852 in Poland Ontario.

      I just have themall  born in Ireland.. No places so far.  How would I get the names of the wives and the cemeteries they were buried in?  

    As just the men seemed to come to Canada.

    I have a lot of Canadian records but am trying to get more on Ireland or as you say probably Scotland now. 

    This family came to Canada around 1852

    It is kind of funny but they all started their Canadian lives around Lanark, Ontario where a large group of Scottish settlers had already immigrated.

    And the names were all the same.. Moses, John, William etc.  I had a hard time at the beginning to straighten out the families.

    And you are right they are mostly Presbyterians.  I thought I had a copy of that film and I thought they were from USA.  I will have to look it up again.  

    My husband has had a DNA test done and he does have Scottish ties, but he also has family from around Glasgow who ended up in Canada as BHC.

    Thank you again for your help.  Dot 


    Thursday 2nd Jan 2020, 07:55PM
  • Dot,

    Griffiths Valuation for 1862 lists a William Paul in Rathkenny. He had plot 8a which was a farm labourer’s cottage on James Thompson’s farm. The cottage was noted as “down” in 1882 indicating it had been demolished or collapsed.

    You say that William died in 1866. There is a death that fits that on 26th Jan 1866, registered in Ballymena, aged 86. You can view the original certificate on-line on the GRONI website, using the “search registrations” option:

    You will need to open an account and buy some credits. It costs £2.50 (sterling) to a view a certificate.

    I don’t see a gravestone listed for William anywhere but I wouldn’t be surprise d if he’s buried in Broughshane 1st Presbyterian graveyard. There is this grave there which includes a Moses, one of the names you enquire about:

    Erected, by, Moses Paul, Lisbreen, in memory of his beloved wife Nancy Paul who died 12th April 1899 aged 63 years Also their children Robert, died 22nd April 1888 David died 30th Jan 1897 aged 25 years and the above named Moses Paul who died 28th Nov 1900 aged 85 years And Margaret McClintock wife of Archibald Paul died 4th March 1935, aged 71 Also his son Archibald Paul died 12th June 1936 aged 73 Also his grandson Robert Paul died 5th April 1985 aged 78 years 'Death is swallowed up in Victory' 1st Cor XV.54

    There is someone in Lanark, Ont, who has been researching these families. I’ll pass him a message and hopefully he’ll get in touch with you.


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 3rd Jan 2020, 07:19PM
  • Thank You and Now I have some work to do to see if it all fits.

    I like being careful as I would hate to have to redo my work someday.

    And I will buy some information from that site.  Thank you again.  Dot


    Friday 3rd Jan 2020, 07:55PM

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