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Looking for information on Jennie Jane O'Neill married to a ? Miller.


Sunday 2nd Feb 2020, 03:17AM

Message Board Replies

  • Can you give us a bit more information please? Both names are very common. (Over 2200 people named O’Neill and 581 named Miller in the Belfast area in the 1901 census). Roughly when did they marry and what denomination were they?

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 2nd Feb 2020, 09:09AM
  • Sorry the only other information I have is the children names. And approximately when the couple was born. ? Miller born around 1800, Jennie Jane O'Neill born around 1810. Children are William b.1825, Bernard b.1829, James b. 1832, Katherine b.1835, Robert b. 1836, Samuel b.1842, Hugh b. 1843 an Rosetta b.1843.


    Sunday 2nd Feb 2020, 01:42PM
  • An I should state that some of the kids were born in Belfast and some born in Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland. Not sure if that will help


    Sunday 2nd Feb 2020, 01:45PM
  • The period that your family were born and married is long before the start of statutory birth, death & marriage registration in Ireland (sometimes called Vital Records) which largely started in 1864. Prior to that you usually have to rely on church records. Not all churches have records for that period and of those that do not all are on-line.

    You didn’t say what denomination your family were.  If RC, some of the churches in Belfast have records for the years you need. The RC parish for Ballymena (Kirkinriola) doesn’t have any records before 1848, so any RC baptisms there for this family won’t be recorded. The Belfast RC parish records are on-line free on the National Library site:

    If the family were another denomination, then you probably need to search the church records in PRONI to see if you can find them. Those records are mostly not on-line and so a personal visit is required to view them.

    I searched for the family on rootsireland but did not find them. That indicates the records are either not yet on-line or they attended churches whose records are lost or were never kept.



    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 3rd Feb 2020, 11:47AM
  • Sorry I am not sure what RC is or what church they were apart of. Not sure how to find that information. I know a cousin has been to Ireland and looked so it's possible we are as far as we will get.


    Wednesday 5th Feb 2020, 03:39AM
  • RC means Roman Catholic.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 5th Feb 2020, 04:49PM

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