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Anyone else researching William McCreight, father of Robert, father of William?


Friday 3rd Apr 2020, 05:31PM

Message Board Replies

  • Which William are you referring to. I am the granddaughter of William McCreight born 1905


    Monday 12th Apr 2021, 06:51PM
  • Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks for replying. 
    Sorry to not include any dates - of course with that family having so many Williams and Roberts, etc, that is crucial! =D
    Anyway, the one I was referring to died in 1792, I believe, so he was born in the mid-1700's at least. (Can't find his info at the moment)
    We are no doubt still related way back, though...
    Take care,


    Tuesday 13th Apr 2021, 07:32PM
  • Rebecca

    Wednesday 14th Apr 2021, 06:58PM
  • My tree is
    Rebecca b 1969 Coventry
    William McCreight b 1938 Belfast - 2017 Leicestershire
    William McCreight b 1905 Belfast - 1953 Warwickshire
    William McCreight b 1869 Ballyhill - 1942 Ballyhill
    Tobias McCreight b 1827 Ballyhill- 1905 Ballyhill
    Robert McCreight b 1769 Ballyhill - 1850
    William McCreight
    I agree far far too many William’s and Robert’s. In 1999 I named my son Toby to be original and then 20 years later discovered my Great Great Grandfather was called Tobias!!!!
    Good luck


    Wednesday 14th Apr 2021, 07:03PM

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