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Good morning, I'm trying to trace the birth of my gt gt grandmother Sarah (Saragh) Goodison. She was born in Wexford in 1835, this according to various England census returns. I can find no birth details for a Sarah but I have found one for a Mary Goodison baptised in Ferns on 23/2/1835 daughter of Wm Goodison and Biddy Mahony. I wonder whether she would have been baptised Mary Sarah? All the girls in my direct line had Mary somewhere in their given names. She married Charles Murphy in Ferns on 11 September 1858 - he is another brick wall of mine! I did notice that someone had put a photograph of a John Goodison b.1837 in Wexford on the Wexford board and wonder if it could be her brother? I've messaged the owner but have yet to receive a reply. Sarah and Charles had a son John born in Wexford in 1860 they then moved to Manchester where my gt grandmother and 3 other sons were born. Many thanks.


Friday 21st Aug 2020, 10:29AM

Message Board Replies

  • Lesley, I found two births to a Charles Murphy and a Sarah in Wexford parish, her name is spelled differently on each, John was born in 1859, 1st July baptism, sponsors are John Doyle and Ann Devereaux. Mother is Sarah Godison, the sponsors names are found in Wexford with Doyle very commonly found there. 

    Catherine was born in 1860 DOB 25th August 1860. Again in Wexford parish and RC. Mother is Sarah Goodwin. 

    I can find no record of the marriage. 

    Most RC records are here free but can only search by date and parish, there are some gaps and some registers exist that are not here. I looked in Ferns parish for your Mary or any Goodison but found none around the date in 1835 but have a look yourself. 

    Now I see the problem, Ferns is the diocese not the parish, the parish is Wexford as I found the births, I see the marriage on Ancestry but no on Roots Ireland, the registers are here  The registers show that Mary Goodison was baptised as just Mary.

    There are 6 Charles Murphy's born between 1820 and 1840 on Roots, last in 1835 was listed as illegitimate, father transcribed as Caroli Murphy, mother Ann Doyle 6th Jan 1835, only stuck out as a child had a Doyle sponsor,however as I said Doyle is commonly found there.

    Good Luck


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 26th Aug 2020, 09:59PM
  • Hi Lesley,

    I have just been researching some of my family history and got out some family history just today that my uncle in Manchester had sent to us all quite a few years ago.  I googled Charles Murphy/Sarah Goodison and your post came up! I think it may be the same family you are looking for - I have information on my uncles paperwork which shows my Great Great Grandfather marrying Sarah Goodison (my great, great grandmother) in Wexford and moved to Manchester - he didn't know dates either except he wrote that he knows they moved there before 1873 - they had 4 Children, John, Francis, Charles and Margaret Mary. I can scan the information I have that my uncle wrote to you but first I would like to forward your post onto him (Francis Murphy) in Manchester as it was him that did all the research I think it's only fair to let him have the excitement of us all being able to hopefully piece this all together!

    How do I get in touch directly with you (an email or something?)

    Kind Regards

    Geri SInclair (nee Murphy)



    Geri Sinclair

    Sunday 13th Sep 2020, 07:46AM
  • Hi Geri, how exiting! Yes it is the same family. My gt grandmother was Mary Margaret. I would love to chat and be able to exchange info. Am I allowed to give my email address to to on here? Are you on Facebook ? perhaps I could message you via that? Regards Lesley,



    Monday 14th Sep 2020, 06:13AM
  • Hi Lesley!

    Not sure if we are allowed to give email address or not? I don't mind putting mine on here - -  I am on Facebook and live in Melbourne Australia - what is your surname and where do you live? 

    Can't wait to hear from you!

    Kind Regards 


    Geri Sinclair

    Tuesday 15th Sep 2020, 01:32AM

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