Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in Australia

Looking for parents of John Kelly ....died 20Oct 1900 aged 72yrs.  Buried in Cortoon Cemetery and lived in Brownsgrove, Tuam, Galway. Immigration to Australia in 1863, listed as a ships carpenter, possibly Martin and Mary Kelly as parents.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1839 (circa)
Date of Death 20th Oct 1900


  • My John Kelly b1839 immigrated to Australia, was a ships carpenter and married Mary Ann Field in 1863 in Lachlan District.
    My 2 x great grandfather Thomas Albert Kelly was born in Currajong goldfields in 1864 to John and Mary kelly, he remained in Australia possibly in the Bathurst region


    Wednesday 29th September 2021 10:03PM

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