Patrick Costello 17951795

Patrick Costello 1795

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Possibly my 3x great grandfather. Born about 1795. Maybe from Killashandra area in Cavan. I don't think he ever left Ireland. He married Ann/Anika or Amelia Morrow. They had Edward, Thomas, Bernard, Hugh, perhaps others, that were living in NYC around 1850. There is an Anila buried with Hugh's family in NYC, and at the time of her death she was living with Bernard. She would have been born about 1798 in Ireland. Their sons' obituaries state they were native of Killashandra but I haven't found records for any of the family there, or anywhere else for that matter.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1795 (circa)
Townland born Killashandra area in Cavan
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Ann/Anika or Amelia Morrow
Names of Children Edward, Thomas, Bernard, Hugh


  • Hello... my great-great grandmother Rose Costello was born in 1822 in County Cavan to an Edward and Mary Costello. Rose married a John Rice while living in Ireland and had a daughter named Margaret. She left Ireland with her daughter during the famine in the 1840s. She settled in Connecticut and remarried James Patrick McGowan. They had a family together, including my great grandfather Thomas Henry McGowan. Rose died May 29, 1876 and was burried in the Old St. Michael's Cemetery in Stonington, Connecticut.


    Sunday 13th March 2022 06:32AM

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