Nellie  Lawlor1770

Nellie Lawlor 1770

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Nellie Lawlor born around 1770  wife of Andrew Brady..  Children that I know of are Thomas born around 1788 in county Cavan and John born born around 1803.  Thomas and John came to Canada between 1825-1830..  John was the first to arrive around 1825 confirmed through Canadian marriage record.  Thomas came later after lthe death of  his spouse Mary Ann Gartner.  Thomas came to Canada with his 5 children.  Patrick, Mary Ann, Catherine, Elizabeth and Thomas Brady.  County Cavan cited as birth place on census and marriage records for both Thomas and his children and for his brother John Brady.  Thomas remarried in Alfred, Prescott County,  Ontario,  Canada   Mary Barnum/Barnham daughter of Richard Barnham an American and widow of Elisha Beers.  Thomas and Mary  had 4 children together Francis, Andrew, Mary Elizabeth and Alice Anna.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1770 (circa)
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Andrew Brady
Names of Children Thomas and John

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