
Family tree Canada VIEW SOURCE
Thomas  Wilson1787

Thomas Wilson 1787

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Place of migration
Migrated to /Born in Canada

Thomas Wilson married Ann Hicks in Ireland sometime before 1813.  They had five children in Ireland: William (31 08 1813), Thomas (1815), Richard H. (1820), Andrew (1825), and Robert (4 Nov 1827).  Another daughter Isabella (1832) born in Ontario.

Thomas' oldest, William married another Irish immigrant, Lydia Walsh, in 1838, in Cumberland Township, Ontario.   Son, Andrew, married Mary Jane Wilson, another Irish immigrant, who was born in Ireland in 1832.  All helped settle Bearbrook , ON.

Thomas Wilson settled in Bearbrook, ON, in 1832, the same year as William Hicks, another Irish immigrant.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1787 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 18th Mar 1877 VIEW SOURCE
Number of Children 6 VIEW SOURCE
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Ann Hicks
Place & Date of Marriage in Ireland sometime before 1813
Names of Children William, Thomas, Richard H., Andrew, and Robert, Isabella
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