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I recently had the opportunity to visit Ireland and I spent a day just driving through the Virginia area. I was able to see the house where my mom was born, where she went to school, etc.  I met with my aunt who now lives in Galway.  She mentioned that her grandparents (Philip McMahon and Mary McMahon, nee Duffy) had been caretakers for a property back in the day.  Where might such a property have been? In the 1901/1911 census they are listed as residing in Rahardrum where Philip's occupation was given as a herder.  I was just curious about where this might have been located (he was not the landowner).

A second question is related to a home my aunt referred to as Hillside.  Apparently, her aunts, (my great aunts )lived in a property at Hillside that had been purchased for them by their two sisters who had emigrated to America.  When the  last aunt passed on in the 1980's, another sister's daughter (last name Kellett), apparently sold the property.  I was curious as to where this property may have been located.  I likely had visited it back in the '70s, but have no real memory of where it was located.

And a final question is I was wondering if there was a resource available that would indicate specific people who may have been buried in a a family plot .  For instance, there is a McMahon family plot inn the Maghera Cemetery.  Several individuals are listed on the gravestone, but I believe that it is likely that others were buried in this plot, but there is no specific marker for them.  Just curious if there would be information related to that.

Thank you for your time, and I appreciate any guidance that could be provided for me to pursue. (I am working my way back on my ancestors and the Philip McMahon branch of the family is proving to be the most elusive!!!)


Kathy B

Friday 11th Nov 2022, 02:46AM

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