1st January 1803
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IrishAncestors.ie offers a free database indexing names appearing in Wilson’s DUBLIN DIRECTORY 1803 (one of three separate directories of The Treble Almanac).

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Wilson’s Dublin Directory included 

  • a very comprehensive list of Dublin’s barristers, attorneys, medical practitioners, merchants, pawnbrokers, grocers, shoemakers, tanners, upholsters, auctioneers, brewers, painters, ironmongers, drapers, butchers, bakers, tailors etc.
  • a list of the capital city’s streets, lanes, and alleyways.

The IrishAncestors.ie database comprises over 7,500 entries noting, for each entry, the name of the person, their occupation, their street address, and provides a link to a map taken from the Statistical Survey of the County Dublin, (Dublin, 1802).

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Compiled by the Irish Genealogical Research Society’s webmaster, Nick Reddan, with the assistance of Jan Vagg, both of whom are based in Australia.



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