William Lydon

William Lydon

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Passed away 09 September 1960

Additional Information
Date of Death 9th Sep 1960 (circa)


  • Hi everybody,

    I am trying to find my ancestors place of birth and their ethnicity. My grandfather. My Fathers father says he was from Ireland who I met years ago but his death certificate says differently. I know he migrated to New Zealand and married and had children to my Grandmother, my Fathers Mother.
    My grandfathers name was Michael Lydon and his parents were Margaret Freyne and William Lydon who were not born in New Zealand because births deaths and registrar would have their details in their system. They have been unsuccessful in finding their birth dates and place of birth . Their headstone says my greath grandfather passed away in 1960 on the other of September, doesn't give a country or place unfortunately. And my great grandmother passed away which states on their headstone on the 3rd October 1986. If anyone can help me I would be more than grateful. Positive comments only. Thanks.


    Wednesday 11th January 2023 05:53PM
  • Hi everybody,

    I am trying to find my ancestors place of birth and their ethnicity. My grandfather. My Fathers father says he was from Ireland who I met years ago but his death certificate says differently. I know he migrated to New Zealand and married and had children to my Grandmother, my Fathers Mother.
    My grandfathers name was Michael Lydon and his parents were Margaret Freyne and William Lydon who were not born in New Zealand because births deaths and registrar would have their details in their system. They have been unsuccessful in finding their birth dates and place of birth . Their headstone says my greath grandfather passed away in 1960 on the other of September, doesn't give a country or place unfortunately. And my great grandmother passed away which states on their headstone on the 3rd October 1986. If anyone can help me I would be more than grateful. Positive comments only. Thanks.


    Wednesday 11th January 2023 05:54PM

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