Patrick Maguire 1804

Patrick Maguire 1804

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Date of Birth 1st Jan 1804


  • My Grandmother Catherine Hinchey(Nee Maguire) was the daughter of Thomas Maguire and Johanna Ryan. He arrived in Sydney in 1859, married Johanna in 1863 and settled in the north of NSW Australia. His father was Patrick and his grandfather was Laurence born 1736. I am getting notifications from other My Heritage members linking him with Baron Hugh and Lord Connor Maguire going back to 1600s. While I would love to claim the relationship I don't want to include if it is incorrect. I am doing all my research online from Australia and would welcome any information anyone could provide to verify one way or the other. I corresponded with Mary Freehill earlier this year but couldn't make any more headway. Fermanagh and Cavan and the Parishes mentioned to me are all very close and there are a multitude of Maguires so it is very difficult to find anything definite.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help

    Clare Hinchey


    Saturday 22nd July 2023 06:04AM

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