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I'm hoping someone can help me find the marriage details of Daniel and Nancy/Ann Quinlivan. Perhaps they were married in the late 1830's, early 1840's (?) as their two children Thomas was born 1841 and Patrick in 1844. They were both baptised at St. Flannan's Killaloe.

Of importance Thomas and Patrick's mother Nancy/Ann is listed on their baptism registrations as Anne Shalloo. The passenger list on the Reliance in 1850 refer to her as Nancy Shelton.  After arriving in Australia she is referred to as Ann Shelton. 

My father said he was told growing up that his great-grandfather Daniel lived in O'Briensbridge which is across the river from Clonboy and Guarranboy which is where the two boys grew up. 

There is a church in Bridgetown called St. Thomas'. My understandiing is that registers from this church were in PROI in 1922 and don't exist. 

I look forward in anticipation. Regards Anne (nee Quinlivan)

Anne Quinlivan

Saturday 30th Sep 2023, 05:00AM

Message Board Replies

  • Anne,

    A search of Subscription site an www.findmypast did not show any marriage for a Daniel Quinlivan and Anne Shalloo (various spellings). has a transcribed record of Thomas in 1841 and Patrick in 1844. No record of their parents marriage found.

    There are a number of Quinlivan's recorded 1829 to 1844 in Clonboy, Bridgetown and Killaloe. They may be relatives of Daniel Quinlivan.

    There is a Daniel Quinlivan in Ardatagle 1831, but he is sharing a Tenant lease with a Thomas McCarhy.

    There is a Patrick Quinlivan in Ardatagle in the 1820's - Tithe Records.



    Saturday 30th Sep 2023, 04:44PM
  • There is a church in Bridgetown called St. Thomas'. My understandiing is that registers from this church were in PROI in 1922 and don't exist. 

    Actually the St. Thomas baptism and marriage records are found in the Killaloe RC Parish records.  The parish office in Killaloe has some of the books.  As McCoy already mentioned the Clare Library genealogy site provides spreadsheets of marriages 1829-1880 and baptisms 1828-1881.  

    These spreadsheets do contain baptisms for Thomas (12 Dec 1841) and Patrick (19 Jan 1844) for Dan Quinlivan-Anne Shallow of Clonboy (Barrys of Clonboy are sponsors!) However, I've just had a look and didn't find a Quinlivan-Shallow/Shelton marriage.  

    With regard to river crossings Clonboy and O'Briensbridge are separated by the canal but are on the same side of the Shannon.  The bridge over the Shannon provides easy access to Montpelier.  I've a few ancestor couples who married on the Limerick side the bridge in Castleconnell Parish but resided on the Clare side.  Unfortunately, Castleconnell Parish marriage records start 1863.  There's also easy access to Birdhll and Newport and elsewhere in Northern Tipp.  

    Regards, Matt Barry


    Thursday 2nd May 2024, 09:10PM
  • Hi McCoy,

    Apologies for not replying earlier.  It seems I missed your post despite having been looking to see if there had been any response. Not sure why I didn't find it.  I have updated my details so hopefully I won't miss anything in future.  

    Thank you for your search of the subscription sites and www.findmypast.  I have been searching for Daniel and Anne's marriage details for years using the various spellings without any luck. I've discovered some DNA connections that go back to Laurence and Margaret Kenny Quinlivan however despite the many Daniels in the tree, I have yet to track my Daniel down. 

    Thank you again for the work you have done for the Quinlivan's. 



    Anne Quinlivan

    Thursday 20th Jun 2024, 02:35AM
  • Hi Matt,

    Thank you so much for the work you have done on my GGGF Daniel Quinlivan and Anne Shalloo.

    I was in Killaloe in 2009 and had found the details of Thomas and Patrick Quinlivan which was fantastic as it had information as to their birthplace which was Clonboy (Thomas) and Guarranboy (Patrick). I then found the details on the website which confirmed the information I had. 

    Your information about your ancestor couples who married on the Limerick side of the bridge in Castleconnell Parish but resided on the Clare side is interesting.  Having searched for Daniel and Anne's marriage registration for a long time, it had become clear that they must have married somewhere other than Clonboy, Killaloe and Bridgetown. 

    There are Quinlivan's in the Bridgetown Cemetery, but I haven't connected them yet. 

    And how interesting that your surname is Barry.  It' s a bit spooky really! I checked my DNA matches and there are two people with Barry's in their tree that match with me.  So perhaps we are related. My ancestry name is Q_H_C_R which is Quinlivan, Harrington, Connor, Regan.  90% Irish.  

    Again, thank you.  Much appreciated.

    Kind Regards

    Anne Cotchett (nee Quinlivan)


    Anne Quinlivan

    Thursday 20th Jun 2024, 03:16AM

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