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Michael’s great grandparents were Thomas Hughes and Bridget Sherlock. His parent were John hughes and Winnie O’Toole.  His brother Peter and sister Nora, my grandmother, emigrated to America. And never met up in the states…he was in NY, she is South Dakota. His brother Michael was active in the war of Independence and civil war. I have a letter he wrote my grandmother when the war ended and he didn’t know what he was going to do.  He has been on the anti treaty side. I have checked pension files and found 2 Michael hughes but neither profile fits what he describes in his letter- imprisonment and hunger strike. My grandmother was concerned he would be killed and did not want him to go to England.  He said he may have to as he couldn’t get out to America. I’ve visited several times, most recently in June 2024.  A neighbor recalls a story that Michael was “on the run”. I went up to Dublin and spent a few days in military archives and libraries, I couldn’t find him. I even checked a British census to no avail.

any ideas?


thank you



Saturday 25th Nov 2023, 07:17PM

Message Board Replies

  • Here is a transcription of Michael's baptism. Having his birth date may help in your research.

    Michael Hughes

    Birth:  26-Nov-1899

     Baptism:       02-Dec-1899

    Address:        Ballyhankeen          

    Crossboyne & Tagheen RC parish

    Co. Mayo

    Roman Catholic

    Father:           John Hughes

    Mother:         Winifred Toole


    Bridget Mongan

    Thomas Burke




    Saturday 25th Nov 2023, 09:44PM
  • Hi Mary

    I was born and raised less than two miles from the Hughes family home. I am now based in Galway. I knew your grand uncle Tommy (Thomas in the census) quite well as there was a friendship between him and my family. I recall a story from my youth that Tommy had a brother who took the Anti Treaty side and would appear to have been active in the Civil War as the Free State soldiers were looking for him. My informant (whom I can't recall - it may have been Tommy) said that with help from a friend of the family he got away. Unfortunately I do not know to where.

    One of my sisters recalls your granduncle Peter on holidays from the US and he giving them money as kids when he visited my family. I am the youngest so I do not remember that. She also remembers visiting your great grandmother Winnie in the old thatched house across the road from the 'new' house where I used to visit. Winnie was confined to bed or a wheel chair in her latter years. Tommy nursed and cared for her with extreme devotion. Tommy never married and the house was sold.

    If you would like to contact me you can send me an email and we can arrange to talk some time -


    Hubert Jennings

    Hubert J Jennings

    Monday 2nd Sep 2024, 09:57AM

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