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We're trying to find information about a John Francis Maloney born c1866 all we have is he came from Galway, after that we have no other information. I am looking for information on his earlier years and I have searched and searched for him and can't find any birth/death or residence records for him. I do have his sons name but even that only gives me information about his later years anybody any ideas as to what I can try. I do have his parents names but they are proving to be just as difficult and no earlier information for them either!! Just don't know how to proceed!!



Friday 5th Jan 2024, 10:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • Maloney


    There are two records of a John  Mullowney on this website both born in Galway in 1866 the spelling is different but there is no record for the exact name…

    Annemarie, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 5th Jan 2024, 11:25AM
  • Hi Annemarie

    Thanks for your help but I have already seen the 2 records and they unfortunately don't match with John Francis Maloney's parents names which were Bernard Maloney and Mary Maloney (née Cain). I am at a loss as to where to find them, they must have existed somewhere??



    Friday 5th Jan 2024, 12:31PM

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