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Last known family in Ballymacelligott was my  great great grandfather : Edward Rooney 1810-1870 married to Catherine Delaney 1810 - 1870.

Any information greatly received.





Thursday 30th May 2024, 07:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Simon:

    On the subscription site Roots Ireland, I located a February 6 1844 marriage record for Edward Rooney and Catherine Delaney. The RC parish was Causeway  which is northeast of Ballymacelligott RC parish. Catherine was shown as living in Knuckane.

    I did not locate any baptismal records for children of the couple either on Roots Ireland or another subscription site or on the free site

    Did the couple emigrate after the marriage?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 30th May 2024, 11:52PM
  • Simon,

    The baptism records for the RC parish of Ballymacelligott began in 1868. So if your ancestors moved to that parish, and had their children there, then there probably are no records available.



    Friday 31st May 2024, 04:32AM
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    Thankyou Roger and Carolyn for your messages.

    Great that you have located the Marriage details Roger – does it give any clues as to Edward Rooney’s parents details?

    Looking at other information I have gleaned, the couple had 4 children whose birth dates appear to be consistent with the marriage date you have provided.

    Michael Rooney 1845 – 1922

    James Rooney 1848 – 1939

    John Rooney 1857 – 1932 (My great grandfather)

    Edward Rooney 1860 – 1924

    Michael and John came to New Zealand (where I am!)

    James and Edward emigrated to the US - New York. But James may have come to NZ before then joining his other brother in New York.

    I understand Edward Rooney 1810-1870 had 2 siblings:

    Thomas Rooney ? - ? (apparently, he was older than Edward)

    And Bridget Rooney? - ?

    My Uncle John visited Ballymacelligot about 30 years ago and did find someone that knew some of the family history. He took this picture of the family home – the last Rooney owner was Bridget Rooney. He talked to the then owner Mr Fitzgerald but doesn’t remember exactly where this house was located. According to the neighbour a Mrs O’Sullivan the Rooney family had lived on that farm for over 200 years.

    Apparently, the RC Church of Immaculate Conception in Ballymacelligot does not have a cemetery as it is built on limestone.

    My uncle ascertained but unfortunately after his visit to Ireland, that some of the RC burials were in the Protestant Burial ground nearby. From looking at online maps, I can see that there is a burial ground at Arabella – this might hold some more clues as to Edward’s immediate family??

    I plan to visit Ballymacelligot early next year and would love to visit the area to help piece together some early family history,

    Any suggestions for research or local information regarding Edward, Catherine or their children greatly appreciated!


    Sunday 2nd Jun 2024, 06:13AM
  • Attached Files

    Rooney Family Home - Ballymacelligott


    Sunday 2nd Jun 2024, 06:16AM
  • Simon,

    No, the marriage record that Roger found does not give his parents'details....most don't for that time. Additionally, his name is written as Edmund. There are two other burial grounds or cemeteries that serve Ballymacelligott - the O'Brennan cemetery & Clogher cemetery. At one time, there was a church attached to the O'Brennan cemetery. You can find records of some burials on Find a Grave. Not everyone buried during that time could afford headstones. I was at the O'Brennan burial ground in 2022 searching for my was worth the trip! Finally, where are you getting the birth years for the four Rooney siblings? 



    Sunday 2nd Jun 2024, 10:29PM
  • Hi Carolyn

    Interesting he was listed as Edmund / would someone want to go by Edward is they didn't like their given name?

    A distant relation now in her 80's gave me a printout from her old Family Tree software which she no longer has working unfortunately - old computer died! She did a lot of work on the family tree some years ago and was very pleased to find that I am also interested.

    So with the dates she has given me I have made my own family tree in MyHeritage Family Tree Builder software. The brothers James and Edward who went to the US I can see their month and years of birth in US census records. 

    Michael and John the dates she has are "About" - I have not been able to validate these birth date years so far, so probably have not uncovered much more than she did! She thought there might also be a sister but didn't know the name.

    Thanks for the Clogher and O'Brennan cemetery info - a search reveals no Rooney's listed there -  I wonder how complete the online records are?

    In the New Rath cemetery, Tralee I did find a few Rooney graves from the 60's and 70's - but maybe these are a different branch of the family.

    The search continues!

    Thanks for your help, Simon.







    Tuesday 4th Jun 2024, 10:46AM
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    My grandfather, James Dunne of Ballinorig West married Hanorah Rooney of Doonimlaghbeg Townland, Co Kerry on February 21, 1878. They had 11 children. Hanorah's father's name was Edmond Rooney. I am unable to find hias ancestors. 

    We too, will be going to Tralee. Summer 2025. Was there in 2004. Beautiful!


    Joy Gallagher

    Joy Gallagher

    Sunday 23rd Jun 2024, 08:17PM
  • Yes I think Edmond (or Edmund?) was obviously a popular name around then!

    My uncle visited Ballymacelligott in Kerry some 20 years ago and found the property that my great great great grandfather at some time shared with his siblings Thomas and Bridget.

    Family tree attached. John emigrated to New Zealand which is where I am........

    Simon Rooney.

    Edmond & Catherine Family Tree.png



    Tuesday 25th Jun 2024, 08:15AM

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