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I am trying to find out information about the following person.

Joseph Patrick Jackson

Married Theresa Donovan in Dublin on 17th October 1939.

Joseph lists his father as William Donovan and his residence at marriage as Blessington.  I'm assuming that Joseph's father William also lived somewhere in County Wicklow.

Any information would be very much appreciated as I have hit a brick wall trying to locate this side of my family.

Thank you.


Sunday 28th Jul 2024, 05:27AM

Message Board Replies

  • Marriage cert



    Sunday 28th Jul 2024, 10:18AM
  • Do you have any more information on Joseph, did he stay in Ireland, did they have children, do you know what he worked at. Although he has listed Blessington as his address, I do not think his father was from here and there are many families of Jacksons from Baltinglass etc, very many were church of Ireland. If there is anything you can recall it could make such a difference.


    Sunday 28th Jul 2024, 12:52PM
  • Thank you, Eileen,

    Unfortunately, we do not have any other information on him other than what you see in the marriage certificate.  He was married to Teresa Donovan in 1939 and they lived in Dublin.  The story is that he deserted the family.  Teresa Donovan remarried Joseph Egan in Dublin in 1957 so either Joseph Jackson died or perhaps she was able to remarry if he was declared dead? (I do not know what the law was in Ireland at the time)

    When I visited Ireland with my parents as a child I recall my mother mentioning that Wicklow was an important place to her father.  The other areas are Rathdown.  Lastly, my mother said that she was named "Hannah" after her father, Joseph Jackson's mother or family member so that is the only other clue I have and I haven't found any Jackson marriages to anyone with the name Hannah or Jackson marriages with one of the children being called Hannah.

    Kind regards,








    Wednesday 7th Aug 2024, 08:29PM

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