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This is a long shot.  Mary Farmer had a male child when she was convicted at Louth.  This information shows on the convict indents, so I believe the child was with her aboard the Ship Asia, which departed Ireland 10 September 1829, and arrived Sydney, Australia 13 January 1830.

Mary married  Charles Titswell Jones in 1832.

I believe that the male child is my ggrandfather.  To help me prove this, I need to know the boy's name, and if Mary (listed as married, but is Farmer her married name or her maiden name). The indents indicate she was a native of Louth.

The only information I have on my ggrandfather is from his death certificate, and that he came from Ireland as a small child, his father is listed as Charles Jones.

As mentioned, a long shot. THankyou for taking the time to read



Sunday 4th Aug 2024, 04:09AM

Message Board Replies

  • Eileen

    Sunday 4th Aug 2024, 11:15AM

    Excellent article detailing the journey in 1829 including passenger lists (including your relative). There is no mention of a child accompanying Mary Farmer although it does mention others who have a child accompany them on the journey.

    "Eighty one women, probably those with children were sent to the Parramatta Female Factory."


    Sunday 4th Aug 2024, 11:30AM


    Personal Information                                                  v

    Contributed by Penny-Lyn Beale on 9th January 2022

    1829 - New South Wales, Australia, Convict Indents. Asia - 13 Jan 1830. Indent No; 150 Name; Mary Farmer Age; 19 years, Married - 1 child Native Place; South Trade or calling; All-work Offence; Stealing Cloth Trial; Louth - 11 March 1829 - 7 years Height; 5 ft 4 1/2 in Noted against name; SISTER IN LAW to 148 - Margaret Fox


    Crime: Theft/Stealing/Larceny

    Convicted at: Ireland, Louth Assizes, Dundalk

    Sentence term: 7

    Name: Mary Farmer

    Aliases: Mary Jones

    Gender: Female

    Born: 1st Jan 1811

    Death: Unknown

    Age: Unknown

    Occupation: Servant of all work


    Contributed by Penny-Lyn Beale on 9th January 2022

    1832 - Ticket of Leave. Date; 24 March 1832. 1832 - New South Wales, Australia, Registers of Convicts' Applications to Marry Name: Mary Farmer. Age: 21 [1811]. Ship; Asia 7. Ticket of Leave Spouse: Charles Jones. Age; 37. Ship; John 1. 7 years. Bond Refused - 4 May 1832 - The female already being married Second application; Date 5 June 1832. Granted. 1832 - Australia, Marriage Index Name: Mary Farmer & Spouse: Charles Jones Date: 1832 - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Volume Number: V 1836 - Certificate of Freedom. Date; 25 Mar 1836. Age; 26 [1810]. WIFE; of Charles Jones per John 1. Free by servitude.


    Sunday 4th Aug 2024, 11:47AM
  • Thankyou, I do have this information, though appreciate that you spent time on following up for me. I had thought because the document attached shows 1 in the family column, that the child came with Mary.


    Sunday 4th Aug 2024, 08:04PM

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