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John J. Canton and Mary Burke married on 16 Feb, 1843 in Cloonduane, Balla Parish, County Mayo, Ireland.  They lived on the Lynch-Blosse Estate owned by Rev. Sir Francis Lynch-Blosse.  Their first three children were born there. Michael on 1 Jan, 1844, Elizabeth abt. 19 Feb 1846 and Martin in May 1848. They arrived in Baltimore, Maryland aboard the ship Leila on 8 March 1849.

I anyone can help take this couple back another generation it would be greatly appreciated.

Friday 9th Aug 2024, 12:59PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    The research document that you attached is very comprehensive, and I am not sure if any of the volunteers on this site could provide additional information as all the resources they cited are also used by the volunteers on IRO. As you probably know, the baptism/marriage records for the RC parish of Balla, Mayo begin in 1837, so the birth records for John and Mary are unavailable. One tip I can give you, and something that I have done in my research, is to track down any information you can find on the baptism sponsors with the same surnames - Canton/Burke. They were either siblings or another close relative such as a cousin. It can be a lot of work to do that, but it might pay off! 




    Monday 12th Aug 2024, 11:42PM
  • Goo idea.  Thanks Carolyn!

    Tuesday 13th Aug 2024, 05:16PM

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